
Rain front in Hitzewelle: Good weather conditions for Wednesday start

Rain front in Hitzewelle: Good weather conditions for Wednesday start

After the long summer season, Austria now sees the end of autumn. Schon am Sonntagbend reveals a Calt front with dense clouds in the Land of Salzburg, which on Montag experiences how the Schauer can take care of.

More powerful rain and temperature control

A strong current and a calm front will cause the mountain to get a dense cloud and a soft rain, which can increase the damage. In the daytime, the rain area will turn eastward. If the clouds pile up and the sun can not even come into the Vorschein. The daytime temperatures lie at 18 degrees.

A service brings a western current from the Alpennordseite – von Vorarlberg in Oberösterreich – a dense cloud that surrounds the rain shade. In the nightstands of the clouds a longer distance is taken. Further in the East another sunny and cloudy Abschnitte ab, with only short shade. Weather favored is the entire area of ​​Landessüden. The temperature is higher than before.

Sonne lässt blicken – aber nur kurz

Mittwoch: Der Ostalpenraum stays in der kühleren Westströmung. If the Zwischenhoheinfluss are no longer a nächste, in the Strömung eingelagerte Kaltfront of West its one. The beginning of the Mittwoch begins and has never been so free in the East and South East. Bereits am Vormittag depicts the Bergland in the Mostviertel Quellclouds with subsequent rain showers. Am Nachmittag verdicht ich de Bewölkung von Westen her weiter, verbreitet regnet es. The Früh temperatures fall from eight to 14 degrees, the Tageshöchst temperatures from 17 to 21 degrees.

Unter zehn Grad in Salzburg erwartet

With Tiefdruckeinfluss in ganz Mitteleuropa verbleibt der Ostalpenraum am Donnerstag in der westernlichen, zunehmend kühleren Strömung. It is very bewildered, overwhelmed with intoxication and regneric. Von Nordwesten started her first jump on the Schneefallgrenze to Abend at deutlich below 2,000 meters at low altitudes. The Salzburger Zentralraum became higher than 10 degrees.

Snowfall limit sinks at 1,000 meters

Am Freitag lowers sich im Tagesverlauf das Tiefzentrum von Oberitalien nach Ostungarn. Damit bleibt die Bewölkung in ganz Österreich zumeist geschlossen. Once you have regnet, head east and sink the Schneefallgrenze at 1,000 meters. The stormy northwest wind can be seen on the Gipfeln and on the Alpine beach. With the start of the first herbal period of the years, the temperature was raised to 9 degrees.

(Source: APA)