
Idi-Furrer-Platz in Rheinfelden eingeweiht

Idi-Furrer-Platz in Rheinfelden eingeweiht

Rhine fields

The city will soon be a place for a woman: “I have a good job with a job and a happy life”

The Freitag weighs the Stadt Rheinfelden together with the OK «Frauen sichtbar gemacht» on the Idi-Furrer-Platz ein. In the hymn of praise that is the Anwesenden and the Wirken der Kinderkrankenwester, Müttern fell to a grave.

A Dutzend Strasnamen-gift is in Rheinfelden, who after Persons are not good. Mannlichen Persons. When the city on the first Platz stands, a woman is happy – and black after the child sick-woman Idi Furrer. The war in the Roten Haus in the Habich-Dietschy-Strasse has begun.

City manager Franco Mazzi has become a member of the agreement with the «Frauen sichtbar gemacht», which initiates the Beschluss der Gemeindeversammlung this month. Der Platz with its “higher quality” is ideal for the further development of names, while the Rote Haus is a different kind of center for youth and alternative questions.

Stadtammann Franco Mazzi, Laudatorin Romy Kaufmann and Anne Reich vom Komitee «Frauen sichtbar gemacht» (from left) enthusiastic about the Strassenschild of the Idi-Furrer-Platzes.

Stadtammann Franco Mazzi, Laudatorin Romy Kaufmann and Anne Reich vom Komitee «Frauen sichtbar gemacht» (from left) enthusiastic about the Strassenschild of the Idi-Furrer-Platzes.

Image: Boris Burkhardt

Criticism is being made of the first patron of the name in Rheinfelden, a woman who will take care of the fact that “now my Job” has been given power by Romy Kaufmann. In the city it was likely that Kaufmann opened the laurel wreath of 2004 with Ida «Idi», we will end up in the «Rheinfelder Neujahrsblättern» for the lebzeiten über this written hat.

“She hat Ihren Job Gemacht», Kaufmann said. «With aussergewöhnlichem Engagement, Herzblut and Liebe.» It was in Rheinfelden between 1949 and 1982 that it was not possible to mumble, the «Schwester Idi» could not be used. «Die Mütter loses itself», so Kaufmann: «Bei ihrer liebenswerten und sehr ruhigen Art fühlten sie sich bestenshoben.» At once, in the es kaum hifreiche Literatur zur Geburtsvorbereitung gegeben habe, gab sie viere brauchbare Ratschläge.

A further war between wind and weather with the Velo-underwegen

Also Kaufmann self-war Furrers «Kundin». I am a man who is busy in his life, it is worth to let his baby stand still all the time and let go and then let it rock, there is talk of his first act. “I thought my child would get hungry, we would not want the time now and do not want anymore,” said Kaufmann. “But the little ones I have comforted me and riet mir, it is easy to sleep in the garden. It was nice to wait, when hunger began.” At Kaufmann’s neighbor, the Furrer came to Christmas Eve and bathed the child in potassium permanganate because of his wounds.

The Einweihung of the Idi-Furrer-Platzes-stiess at the Bevölkerung von Rheinfelden is very interesting.

The Einweihung of the Idi-Furrer-Platzes-stiess at the Bevölkerung von Rheinfelden is very interesting.

Image: Boris Burkhardt

The born Baslerin with the war years of 1920 was Kaufmann not only children’s hospital nurse in Rheinfelden, born around 1949 in the mother consultation for 14 Fricktaler municipalities as well. In wind and weather it is worth paying with the velo, if you put an end to a car on a Rijnfelder whose sale is carried out. A few säuglingscourses for mothers and fathers are offered as offers, regularly in Aarau and Zurich fortified and engaged in several branch associations and committees.

In 1983 the career finally started, but he will have married his robbed habit. “It was all so likely that the years had flown by”, would have been his zitiert. Franco Mazzi and Romy Kaufmann have made Anne Reich of the committee “Women seen” enthusiastic about the Abschluss das Strassenschild of the Idi-Furrer-Platzes.