
Schloss Salem und Gartenausstellung house & garden – Lustenau

Schloss Salem und Gartenausstellung house & garden – Lustenau

Am 5. September unternahmen 16 Personen van VORARLBERG 50plus Lustenau a Fart nach Salem zur View of the monasteries and castles and of the house & garden.

The components of a Führung über das “Salemer Klosterleben” were interesting. The Novizengarten, the Betsaal, the Bernhardusgang and the Münster were explored and historically exposed. They have heard the Castle Museums, the Torkels with Wine, the historic Schmiede and especially the Gartenausstellung home & garden heritage that Besucher. Manche of garden tools and accessories that are new besitzer, which can be used during a jause in the free time. They will be absent from the seniors and seniors after Kressbronn in Max & Moritz in Essen. Yvonne Bösch rezlichen Thanks for the beautiful and interesting feedback.