
“The Launch of a Change of Politburos”

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Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok.
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok. © IMAGO/Petrov Sergei

With a new program, Vladimir Putin will hold on to the people of life – and his alternative desires. Is the car crate of the Great Desire to Head Rising?

Moscow – Vladimir Putin has launched a “national project” in 2024, one of the common interests of the countries. Now, a few months ago, the initiative “New Health Preservation Technologies” has come to the market. By 2030, the project “175,000 Leben” will continue, with the Latvian Internet portal Medusa herausgefunden hat. And that is what in the Ukraine-War the Russian Soldiers are sent out over time.

The research institute aims to promote alternative treatment of osteoporosis, cognitive and sensory disorders, which will create a good immune system. Other research will focus on the future of organs and webs in laboratories. About “Bioprinting” organs can be printed, who dies Kiev Post to write.

Bioprinting und Verzögerung der Altersprozesse: Putin’s Visionen für die Zukunft Russlands

Laut dem Bundesministerium für Bildung und Research versteht man under Bioprinting “ein additives Fertigungsdrukahren, bei dem lebende Zellen zuammen with geüstbildenden Hilfsstoffen zu größeren Gewebbestrukturen printed.”

Putin gave a speech in February at the conference “Modern medical technologies: the challenges of tomorrow”. In Rede said: “The forum is abolished, one of the most common problems in discussing, the first time you have done and tested this, is that the life of the human founding legend will be expired.”

Russia Prime Minister Tatyana Golikowa stated that the program in Moscow “Rossiya” was announced. Auch in Russland’s medical environment takes care of your care. Eine Quelle in Moskaus Krankenhaus bezeichnete die Initiative als “Launen eines alternden Politbüros”, wie Medusa zitiert. The big profit of projects is no longer applicable to the Russian bourgeoisie, but to the pharmaceutical industry in the countries, with a number of experts in the Russian Tageszeitung Commersant to rule out.

Putin’s project is about the alternative: “An obsession is caused by lobbyism”

A more united Putin will be involved in his independence himself. Mikhail Kowaltschuk will be interested in his alternative way of talking and soliciting longer. Kowaltschuk, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and head of nuclear research institutes, is one of the project coordinators who carries out their projects and regularly informs Putin about the Fortschritt.

It is a good idea to give the project an urgent need to help Putin. A Russian doctor involved in the project says that he has used the argument: “If we look at the rapid progress of the war… then the war was so bad that it was like that. Normally there are national projects or Bundesprogramm more sittings with different skills and an art-like discussion forum”, who Medusa placed.

A Kremlin has not heard anymore Medusa and RadioFreeEuropethe program “an obsession developed by lobbyism” sei. One of the Ukrainian wars was a matter of scientists, who had been acquitted with the Alterungsprozess, fleeing from Russia. Mikhail Batin, one of the most influential politicians in Russia, who went to work in the US, said about the project: “If you want to make money, could the technology develop? No one in Russia can talk about publications about Anti-Aging …“ (read: sischr)