
Kommandant Stefan Huber reported about the Einsätze of the Bernauer Feuerwehr

Kommandant Stefan Huber reported about the Einsätze of the Bernauer Feuerwehr

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Kommandant Stefan Huber reported about the Einsätze of the Bernauer Feuerwehr
‘Man muss stets erreichbar sein’. This February, Stefan Huber is Chief of the Bernauer Feuerwehr. © Lünhorster

Brand, Unfälle, Unwettereinsätze: Die freiwilligen Helfer der Bernauer Feuerwehr sind gut beschäftigt. It is a good idea to have a new Kommandant for a year with Stefan Huber. We are prepared to deal with the defense forces of the German Defense Forces.

Bernau – Retten, löschen, bergs, schützen – that’s the four Grundaufgaben der Freiwilligen Feuerwehren. Die Ehrenamtlichen sind Tag und Nacht zur Stelle. Unfallen alle Art, Einsätze bei or der nach unwettern, aber auch as erstversorger heard ebenfalls zu den Aufgaben a modern Firewehr. And the endings became more. So the Feuerwehr Bernau must leave alone in the year 174-mal. I was 162 in the year 2023. In February this year, Stefan Huber took over the office of the First Commandants of the Bernauer Feuerwehr. Go with my new excavation and the herausforderungen a modern Feuerwehr geprochen.

Herr Huber, he said he was a good man, Jahr Kommandant der Feuerwehr Bernau. Is that so, who is that?

Stefan Huber: Yes, auf alle Fall. If you notice a hat, it may be the passion behind it, that man never has a hat when making a hat. But the work is exciting. It is not that it is as uninterested as our Einsätze, so an abwechslungsreich is the Tätigkeit as Kommandant. An abuse of power fell Spaß.

Who war with the Werdegang of Kommandanten? Who would it last long?

Huber: I am in 2009 so that the Jugendfeuerwehr beigetreten, habe da die Grundausbildung durchlaufen. In the war of 1818 I named my young military leader Kommandant Matthias Stephan and as Jugendwarte the Leitung der Jugendfeuerwehr. Gemeinsam were for more than a year for the youth and the training of the Grundausbildung in the Feuerwehr Bernau sister. In 2024, Vorgänger Marcus and Florian Prassberger presented their work and ensured that their Kommandanten were gewählt.

If you see the youth as it were, who is the legal situation, is it a good thing?

Huber: Yes, I think I am grateful that I am not beschweren. There are 15 Jungs and Mädchen at the Jugendfeuerwehr active. It is a good Zahl, 15 years ago he started to bring a hut. It may be that I am herzlich at my youthful gratitude, which is one of the best jobs.

Is it good, do you see that everything is positive?

Huber: Yes. Young people were involved in the active service, which lasted years in the active manning affairs, it has become 18 and it comes to a young young young life. Before a woman in a Zeltlager experiences youth. Go four times in the Monat Übung. Jeden first and written Freitag in the Monat üben the Erwachsenen and jeden zweiten and vierten Freitag the Jugendfeuerwehr. The Jugend is of course naturally active with the activities, but it is a fact that the Community integrates.

Who sees such an Alltag as Kommandanten towards us?

Huber: The day of a commander (laughs). Actually quite normal, we don’t say that. I have the big advantage, which is in the municipality. I am in the town hall in the administration and can have a little more work time for the fire brigade. Nichtsdestotrotz is a 24/7 commander. If it is good, the person is there rich and also am also in the evening and my wife works on the convenient regularity. Of course you have to use the family games.

Do you want to know if the psyche comes out of your life, when the person can no longer concentrate?

Huber: Not at all. I think it is a matter of institution. When I started with Heart Blut, it is not that the Psyche comes from my heart, but the power is now own. That is so. If the power and the man take a position of power, this is not the right thing, it has never happened again. There are still many Einsätze that we have, current 174. One must be with leadership there, otherwise one must not so hide one’s private life, and one’s profession. Of course it is so that we can see more and more, but man sees this. We have a positive experience, and a resuscitation is performed, on a person, or a single person, who helps a person, who has died in a note. If the problem occurs when one of the traces has fallen, the man can be helped and is his beauty.

It is a matter of an Umbau in the Feuerwehrhaus Bernau and. Who is the active position?

Huber: Aktueller Stand is jetzt so, due to the joint decision-making process, that is why the project is ready and able. During the Verwaltung, the architect’s years will come to an end. Die grobe Zeitplanung sollte ja sein, 2025 Planungsphase, 2026 Umsetzung.

The Gebäude der Feuerwehr Bernau is small. It will start again from 2026.
The Gebäude der Feuerwehr Bernau is small. It will start again from 2026. © Lünhorster

The Feuerwehr Bernau is located directly on the highway. If all goes well, a lot of money falls on the highway. Is this something, was this a problem?

Huber: That’s a day-to-day business, yes. The Autobahn is responsible for about 80% of the influx that will go.

Gefühlt is in der letzten Zeit fell on the Autobahn passert. Do you want to enjoy these experiences?

Huber: With the axles we are, I believe, remain equal. The heavier axles never go down a notch. The cars became more stable and got more assistance systems. If the assistants don’t help anymore, it might be an accident. I am thankful that I have discovered most cases by a glimpse of one of the things I now do with a bleach and minor injuries.

Is that so, was one of the conditions offered, if man had such a traffic accident?

Huber: It is a natural stop to make a Sache. Man must as a fire brigade or as an honorary officer develop a protective principle. Let it be clear if you use a means with that man. Man darf das but nicht mit nach Hause take. That is so. Man goes home and does not go with his family. There is a Hilfskräfte from the Landkreis, the PSNV, psychosociale Notfallvore for Einsatzkräfte. If the Einsatz is so schlimm, then man this Help in Anspruch. Then it is a matter of talking. Or it was a bit strange, it is bier danach in the room. If someone in the vehicle hall together and the Einsatz Revue passes by lässt. Either man has helped can or man has not helped anymore. If we discover the story of a passion, we will do it more now.

Bernau is one of four stations in the Rosenheim District for Catastrophe Protection. Who sees this?

Huber: Wir sind für die Gefahrgutabwehr ziständig. Together with the German Defense Forces, we will have a safe and secure experience. In an Einsatz-übernimmt Prien decontamination and Bernau who dabei the Messtechnik. Wir haben jährlich Gemeinschaftsübungen. Our natural character is more and more suitable for use. The equipment and technology are complex, which makes the expansion of the installation possible. We are looking forward to the region 3 in the Rosenheim region and cover the southern Teil ab.

Als abschließende Frage: Sind Sie zufrieden mit Ihrer Arbeit bisher? Can’t it hinge?

Huber: Who thinks, has a big project for one and that is our Anbau. The müssen we probably attacked Energy again. The house of the house is a four halls, the power is not every day. Darüber started with a new HLF 20 when the plans were finalized and in the Umsetzung was placed, the delivery date was put into effect in February 2026. The Landkreis Rosenheim has put a Change Loader Concept into operation. A planted location for a trailer vehicle together with dump containers is Bernau. The delivery is mandatory from the beginning of the year. If this is so, then the high level of education in the Mannschaft is stopped. Our care is large-scale here and one of the most important core activities of the company. This level of standstill and a pride in all the challenges and burdens that the men of their secondary positions pose will be the most important upward movement.