
Ostsee: Child falls from Seebrücke – Mutter asks for 35,000 Euro

Mittens in the holiday season shocked the sturz of a grandchild of a see bridge on Usedom. It takes another year before the autumn is in the trade: The mother says, the bridge is no longer safe and will receive money from the municipality. It is different.

One of the many rains that a young man from a sea bridge on Usedom has spent more than three years ago is a Monday before the Landgericht Stralsund. In the midst of a civil war, the damsel 34-year-old mother from the Landkreis Barnim in Brandenburg demands at least 35,000 euros in damages from the Municipality of Zinnowitz. They wage war and can do anything that has to do with each other. The young man was left unharmed.

Sturz von Seebrücke: Widersprüchliche Schilderungen

On July 22, 2021, the woman will marry both of them – the war years will last a while – before they become Bereich der Seebrücke, so the fear of the battle. It is possible to make an Urlaubsfoto machine. The mother says she has reached the goal, the little youngster is no longer able to stand up, the hinge weight is lost and has been during the geländer-gerutscht. If you receive wider messages, the smallest photo can be put on the photo.

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Die Mutter sei hinterhergesprungen and habe sich more Brüche unter Anderem des leften Sprunggelenks zuzoet. The bridge crosses into the area and enjoys the water over the water. If you are threatened by the police, the water is no longer so good. Die Mutter und de Junge seien von Rettern are taken to a clinic.

Mumble sieht Gemeinde in der Pflicht

The muttering power is directed, the sea bridge is no longer safe and the geländer has its sparrows otherwise. As Klagesumme there is talk of 35,000 veranschlagt. My wife costs more than 2000 euros for the Zuzahlung of Medikamenten, for orthopedic Hilfsmittel and a Haushaltshilfe. That woman wants to be sure that her sister Geld erhalte, for the fall, that is in Zukunft schlechter geht.

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The community says that the bridge is in order. The mumbling has a small fault, but it will cost much more effort. If you don’t see it so bad, if you first have the geländer font, then it is so that it is rehängen and schließlich fallen gelasde hätte is, and then must jump immediately.

A richterliche Entscheidung is more oriented – who at Zivilverfahren üblich – voaussichtlich and another Termin verkündet. (dpa/mp)