
Nachhaltiger Klimaschutz mit Stadtfestcharakter – Oberberg-Aktuell

Nachhaltiger Klimaschutz mit Stadtfestcharakter – Oberberg-Aktuell

Marienheide – In the center of the „Marienheider Klimawoche“ you will find the Aktionstag with information on the topics of Climate and Environmental Protection, Mobility, Resource Management and Nachhaltigkeit.

From Ute Summer

The stringent Führung en der Lingesetalsperre met dem Wupperverband is op reges Intereste, en de benfalls stattfindenden Müllsammel-Aktion “Saubere Brucher-Talsperre” 100 Helfer aller Generationen started to run. While sweating the “Marienheider Klimawoche”, demonstrating with the community in the Citizens the complex Zusammenhänge of Klima and Konsum and gleichzeitig Lösungen zur Anpassung and the Krise präsentieren möchte, bezeichnete Klimaschutzmanager Sebastian Golinski as gelungen. “As small communities it is not possible to use the financial resources of the larger community, but an Environment Network is a regional enterprise that has great power.”

(There is no problem with changing, teach the little ones, the products in the kitchen that you want to sort.)

These are the events tag in Ortskern on the Heier Platz Umwelt-Organisationen, Schulen, der Bergische Abfallwirtschaftsverband, NABU, der Klimabeirat, Mobilitätsanbieter und Bio-Land Produzenten an meer als 30 Informationsstandden unter Beweis. When the sensitivity for the responsible enterprise begins with the world, Marc Härtkorn and Annette Göddertz will get to know one of the BAV games learning natural science phenomena. The “Lern-Mülltonne” animation of the trennung des Abfalls, am “Spiel-Kühlschrank” is an uninterestschiedliche Lebensmittel in the jeweled Temperaturzone eingeräumt, thus the problem of the Lebensmittelverschwendung entgegenzutreten.


Sogar einen Schritt früher setzen Fiona Rüggeberg and Guido Arens vom Hof ​​​​”Ernteland Marienheide” an. From the “Löh” züchtet the Paar Damwild, have their own Hofgärtnerei, hält Ziegen, Hühner and Bienen. Im Rahmen von Ferienfreizeiten or dem Gartenjahr für Kinder lernt der Nachwuchs, where the Nahrung comes, and heht on the Abenteuerspielplatz Ernteland auf Tuchfühlung with Flora and Fauna. “We learn teamwork, self-organization and social excellence at the same time, when people are happy, the children’s cheeseburger is built,” said Arens.

(Werner Rosenthal (AWO) discussed another repair expert from the Helfer-Teams in the Repair Café.)

More flexible mobility will allow for a huge scale of mobility, as there will no longer be a single option for e-car sharing and on-demand sales. “Wir answered in personal conversations all questions about Apps, the Buchungs- und Bezahlmodalitäten or zum Transport bewegungseingeschränkter Fahrgäste”, erläuterte Ramona Even from the OVAG, which Pedaleure am Stand des ADFC lenkten the Focus on the Improvement of the Radverkehrspolitik.

Together with the power of the Prince of the AWO Marienheide, Werner Rosenthal, Werbung for the Cooperation with the Initiative Weitblick, the first hour of the regular Repair Café has opened. If the extension of life continues, attention will be focused on the social contacts and the dialogue that the generations and the disinterested interest groups in the gang bring about.

(Photovoltaic energy or E-Car-Sharing – Die Berater der AggerEnergie stands for Ort Rede and Antwort.)

Hüpfburg, climbing wall and children’s face painting are suitable for the children’s program. With the waffle stand of the Schützenvereins, the food truck of the food rescuer “Restlos”, a grill stand and the extensive repertoire of music of the Freiwillige Feuerwehr, under the leadership of Holger Maurer and the Gesamtschulband “Mamba” the event day of the two “Marienheider Klimawoche” continuously embodies the city festival character. More information about the program at