
The FC Ehekirchen plays in Schlusslicht

The FC Ehekirchen plays in Schlusslicht

FC Ehekirchen has not come through a 2:2 draw until the punctual table ends of the Landesliga Südwest TV Erkheim. If you go through the FCE, you have to supervise in a certain way, a backstand you have to bring out in half the time.

The tables are from the start and went through a wandering error meter by Fabian Krogler in Führung (7.). The guests were never present in the party and were happy, not higher in the back position. Joshua Holzapfel war bereits a Torhüter Korbinian Neumaier vorbei, brought the Ball out spitzem Winkel aber nicht in Tor unter (10.). Krogler met was später nach a Flanke den Ball nicht richtig (20.).

FC Ehekirchen lives in Erkheim den Ausgleich

The guests who play in the game can view the statistics, but then with their first attack on Ausgleich. Maximilian Koschig served his rights on this page Maximilian Schmidt, the ball in the Mitte brought. Dort is a Spielertrainer Christoph Hollinger, who goes to 1:1 with Stelle War for eight seasons (37.). The FCE is efficient and powerful by the entire party. Daniel Biermann schickte with a long ball Max Schmidt, nor Keeper Florian Egle played and zum 1:2 einschob (41.).

After the passionrte had started for a long time, Ehekirchen was in the card game. Allerdings war die Führung knapp en sollte nicht stopped. After a ball rush had landed the ball at Florian Merk, the 2:2 score was reached (76.). Nun waits for Ehekirchen who drinks at the Siegtreffer. Max Schmidt never lived without his friends, loved his family (80). Auch Christoph Hollinger came after a Vorlage von Nico Ledl nor an Abschluss, soule jedoch aus 16 Metern knapp am Tor vorbei (89.). After Kogler saw the Gelb-Rote map in the short minute, the war had begun. Damit hollow Erkheim the first Punkt in dieser Saison. After four games and fun in Niederlagen in the laufenden Saison Unentschieden, the FCE now plays on 13 Zählern and occupies the zehnten Platz.

FC Ehekirchen plays against Gundelfingen in Sonntag

I will come on Sunday (5 p.m.) for the Heimspiel against FC Gundelfingen and. He ends up at Wiedersehen with ex-coach Simon Schröttle, who initiates FCG training. (sb/bis)

FC Ehekirchen Neumaier – Erdal, Labus, Ledl, Max Schmidt, Biermann, C. Hollinger, Koschig (85. Ettenreich), Lauber, Füger (66. Vollnhals), P. Schmidt.