
Venezuelan opposition candidate leaves for Spain

Venezuelan opposition candidate leaves for Spain

González fought for a while in the Spanish Botschaft in Caracas and was granted asylum, which is on Instagram. Against Gonzalez a short-term order of confinement was passed, which was met with international criticism. It is unclear whether González’s absence has changed the political landscape.

After the presidential election on July 28, the line Wahlbehörde had been declared by the authoritarian State Chief Nicolás Maduro for eleven years for the Sieger. You can not get light warnings about the resulting result. The opposition is in charge of the Wahlbetrug and calls for the Sieg for González.

If you use light data, it is worth taking more than 83 percent of the trading activities. Demnach soll González 67 percent of the votes has had a Maduro only 30 percent. The US and more late American states recognize González as a Wahlsieger and. Also the European Union is an official representative of the Union.

During the 75-year González war that has become Candidate, the opposition leader María Corina Machado will engage in a direct battle with her time as Abgeordnete that Ausübung opener can become war. A point of reference is past week Haftbefehl against González. I would have recruited another Amtsanmaßung, Aufruf zur Missachtung von Gesetzen, Enslavement and Sabotage.

González ließ three Vorladungen der Generalstaatsanwaltschaft versstreichen. The sorting process of the diplomat war will remain unanswered. Auch Machado stops short. Maduro says, both communities are behind Gitter.

If the Wahl war is waged by the protests, the state-rights of the Niedergeschlagen is threatened. After the protests of the Human Rights Organization Provea, 25 people were killed, more than 2,400 were taken. The opposition wants to start a fight with one of its representatives.

Sechs Oppositionelle hatten im März in de Argentine Botschaft in Caracas Zuflucht gesucht en niet meer dort. After the Argentine diplomats from Venezuela in the Streit, a Wahlergebnis-verwaltet Brazil in August is the Botschaft Seines Nachbarlandes. It was no longer the case that the Venezuelan Regierung am Samstag met. Grund seien Hinweise, dass in der Botschaft terrorist Aktivitäten anyway Mordkomplotte gegen Maduro and Vizepräsidentin Rodríguez planted are seen.

The Botschaft has become the Argentinian Directorate for Freitagabend (Ortszeit) of Venezuelan Security Forces and Geheimdienstlern umstellt. The Argentinian government has ordered an official order against Maduro against Maduro.

Although the previous Maduros re-decision 2018 was not possible for many countries. The damaged parliament speaker Juan Guaidó has prepared for his interim president, because he never went through the war in the country – for everything the army would give a hint to Maduro. That war of 2013 when the Tod von Hugo Chávez became a designer Nachfolger President.

Venezuela suffers from Missmanagement, Corruption and International Sanctions. More than 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung live below the Armutsgrenze. More than millions of people – around four of them – have lost their land after the United Nations in recent years.