
In Halle (Saale) the Deutsche Bahn Jobs vergibten a Quereinsteigende

In Halle (Saale) the Deutsche Bahn Jobs vergibten a Quereinsteigende

In Halle (Saale) the Deutsche Bahn sets up Quereinsteiger as a guideline and support center for the vehicle. With super benefits and discounts

Halle (Saale) – Vom beruflichen Abstellgleis zum Traumberuf mit Advantages: After this, a spring job such as the German Railways in Halle (Saale) auf.

Here you will find the DB-namely exciting career opportunities for jobs, challenges and technical talent.

Wanted (all m/f/d):

Außerdem gives DB-Kundenbetreuer Etienne in Kurzinterview a few exciting Antworten zum Alltag auf Schienen.

We will provide you with more details about your free time and work experience.

Deutsche Bahn offers exciting jobs and training in Halle (Saale)

Die Deutsche Bahn Halle (Saale) has exciting Jobs with abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben, who here as Kundenbetreuerin (m/w/d).

Die Deutsche Bahn Halle (Saale) has exciting Jobs with abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben, who here as Kundenbetreuerin (m/w/d). © TAG24 / Stefan Häßler

In the operational railway area, the Deutsche Bahn would have more than 25,000 new working units in those years, one more Bahn will be purchased.

There is a prize of 6,000 nachwuchskräfte – a record. Personal data can only be converted into the Verwaltung.

With more than 230,000 workers in different workforces, the DB will be the largest workforce in the country

So there are exciting career opportunities in Halle (Saale) for questions and knowledge.

Freie Platze gibt’s zum Beispiel für die beliebte Umschulung zum Customer service representative (m/f/d).

They were neither motivated nor spoken to by the Vehicle Standstill (m/w/d).

Both jobs can be placed in the following order and it was more convenient.

Schauen can no longer enjoy the benefits of the Bahn.

Lohnt sich: Die Mitarbeitervorteile bij der Deutschen Bahn

Good luck with your team and fell to work at the Deutschen Bahn in Halle (Saale).

Good luck with your team and fell to work at the Deutschen Bahn in Halle (Saale). © Deutsche Bahn AG | TAG24 / Stefan Häßler

The work at the German Railways is exciting and challenging. You will see the most team performance and achieve the best results.

Make sure you use the right amount of tools as most of the industry relies on cool worker benefits.

These are the benefits such as:

  • Attractive conditions
    You can appeal to a market-conform spaketfreuen. It can be another way to use alternatives and more.
  • Driving bans
    You are very welcome to 16 Freifahrten innerhalb Deutschlands pro Jahr en weitere Fahrvergünstigungen für Deine Freunde and Familie.
  • Permits
    Enjoy your holiday with a DB-Firmenrad, a Zuzahlung zum Deutschlandticket and good travel arrangements for your family and friends.
  • Leisure sponsored by Bahn
    Here you will find all sales in the area Shopping, Freizeit, Reisen or Versicherungen und Co.

  • Individual Reinstatement
    Seminars, training and qualifications made individual and long-term research and training possible.

There are many exciting courses on the German Railroad in Halle (Saale) that will last you a long time.

And damn the details of the first free couple.

Kundenbetreuer in Quereinstieg (m/w/d)

Kundenbetreuerin (m/w/d) cares about your friend's art for an enjoyable journey with your loved ones.

Kundenbetreuerin (m/w/d) cares about your friend’s art for an enjoyable journey with your loved ones. © TAG24 / Stefan Häßler

Per Quereinstieg zum Traumjob: Mit der beliebten Umschulung zum Kundenbetreuer (m/w/d) in Halle (Saale).

Innerhalb von drei Monaten teaches the components of all practical and theoretical foundations for the späteren Job as Kundenbetreuer (m/w/d).

The theoretical research done in the region finds the practical results of the statistical analysis.

Die Tätigkeiten nach der Umschulung:

  • Customer advice on and during the trip
  • Checking and selling of driving cards
  • Order and safety in the air
  • Travel and rate plans
  • Information about connection connections and irregularities
  • enge Zusammenarbeit mit Triebfahrzeugführenden, Servicepersonal or Sicherheitsmitarbeitenden

The profile for education:

  • abbreviation. Professional sauce formation
  • Konflikt- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Skills and Service Consciousness
  • Bereitschaft zu unregular Schichtdienst
  • Führerschein Class B ist von Vorteil

If it is the infamous Neustart, this may be in the DB Portal.

I am interviewing Rahmen der Kampagne „Wir workbeiten dran“ haben wir Etienne, Kundenbetreuer im Nahverkehr.

And damn even more with my answers. After the interview you will find all the information about the career opportunities at the Bahn.

The Interview with DB-Kundenbetreuer Etienne

Click here for the interview

Careers for Fachkräfte in der Fachzeuginstandhaltung at the Railroad

The technical know-how makes it possible to travel with the Deutschen Bahn.

The technical know-how makes it possible to travel with the Deutschen Bahn. © Deutsche Bahn AG

To secure and repay the Bahnverkehr, you ensure the lighting of the installation.

During the development of the teams in Halle (Saale), new colleagues and colleagues were spoken to.

It is possible that you are an electronics or mechatronics engineer in the installation of a system for the installation of the Fehler analysis and the associated follow-up steps.

The following additional information:

  • Especially in safety and relevant matters Bereichen der Fahrzeuge and others Fahrzeugteilen
  • There are electronic components, internal and external components and mechanical components
  • Disassembly/assembly features of Bauteilen and Baugruppen
  • Preparing business and traffic transportation services

By coming up with your own idea, you must carry out a new repair with the quality and environmental improvement at the same time.

Here you will find an overview of the installation procedure.

Wir wünschen fell Erfolg! 🙂

The Deutsche Bahn in Überblick

The Team of the German Railroad is working hard in Halle (Saale).

The Team of the German Railroad is working hard in Halle (Saale). © Deutsche Bahn AG

Have you started fragmenting and deleting most of it?
The Recruiting Team is in charge of the contact form or at 0 30 297 24707.

With click on the pictures directly for purchase (all m/w/d):

Hasn’t the new Traumberuf war started yet? Nor mehr Jobangebote gibt’s here.