
McDonald’s: Weitreichende Neuerung at Drive-in-Restaurants

McDonald’s: Weitreichende Neuerung at Drive-in-Restaurants

McDonald’s is a bleibt in Deutschland hoch im Kurs. No wonder, the Unternehmen remain in the Standort investment.

“There were grim waits here,” said Christoph Gehrig, Finance Director at McDonald’s, who told the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe. Darüber reports, among other things, “Bild”. “In these years we spend 25 restaurants with jewels around 50 employees.”

McDonald’s: Planted around 500 new restaurants in Germany

Around 1,250 new employment opportunities were created. “The expansion rate was tripled in the following three years with 75 new branches. By 2027, more than 10,000 new jobs will have been created.”

500 new Schnellrestaurants are located in the middle of Germany. Secured wiring ensures a higher frequency on the motorway or at the Bahnhof.

Read here: “Das hier ist yet Verarsche” – McDonald’s sorts with new Burger für Wut at seiner Kundschaft

Gehrig explains further: “We put our focus on the development of drive-in locations, because Germany is still not a car country. If it doesn’t work anymore, it will die shortly afterwards.” Just look at the possibilities of the theme of e-mobility in the Blick. A total of 600 of 1050 McDonald’s drive-in restaurants are active in power stations for the knowledge and knowledge of fast food giants.

Another new choice for the optimization of the Drive-in area, where two cars now no longer have any purpose, is that the service speed is further increased.

Gehrig spoke to “Bild” about the Herausforderungen at the Mitarbeitergewinnung for the new plant plants and the search for a Reduzierung der E-instellungshürden during the German Politik. “Wir civilized people in more than 160 countries. Gerade on the theme Einstellung von Geflüchteten saw with all kinds of Ausbaupotenzial, was the Reduzieren of bürokratischen Hürden involved.”

On the positive side, McDonald’s has probably won a new franchise business. “The Marke is attractive – but the advertisers and advertisers are not standing still. A nice business is, that is, to recruit more women than franchisees.”

Mehrheit der Gäste is sold to the Selbstbedienungs-Terminals

With the expansion, McDonald’s dimensions will increase and the interior design will change. You can also use digital order forms on SB terminals or the app which is still not as big as you play.

Gleichzeitig concretet Gehrig, that traditional Order methods beibehalten were: “In our own restaurants one would be able to order more often at the restaurant and bezahlen bar, so long as our guests would be welcome.”

You are welcome to receive 80 guests in the restaurant for the self-service terminals and then order your favorites per App and 14 guests and the Tresen.

Dieser Text wurde mit Hilfe Künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt, von der Redaktion (Julia Bauer) bearbeitet and geprüft. More than one rule in dealing with KI-gibt is here.