
Irre Wendung nach Verhaftung von Dolphins-Star Tyreek Hill

Irre Wendung nach Verhaftung von Dolphins-Star Tyreek Hill

Plötzlich is a bold politician

Irre Wendung nach Verhaftung from NFL Star Tyreek Hill

Tyreek Hill von Polizisten fixes

Three politicians fixate the NFL star, just hours before the NFL result of the Flitzers


Dieser Abend glich einer Achterbahnfahrt!

Few hours before NFL game with Miami Dolphins Superstar Tyreek Hill, festivities. Now is a thunderstorm in the fall!

Interne Untersuchungen nach Festnahme

I’m watching the Miami Dolphins’ first season against the Jacksonville Jaguars! Watch the videos, see Dolphins Superstar Tyreek Hill on the way to the Stadion of the Polizei gloves, more Officers fix the NFL Man on the Ground! Ground: Failure against the Road Traffic Ordinance.

Reading tip: I am 53-Mann-Kader! German football star Jakob Johnson is living in the NFL!

ABER: Hill dares to let the Jaguars play and give a Touchdown-Pass. There are no things that cause a hand-bell-Jubel-rauszulassen. That is teuer…