
Handyverbot an immer more Schulen: Das gilt für Niedersachsen

Handyverbot an immer more Schulen: Das gilt für Niedersachsen

Lower Saxony’s Minister of Culture Julia Willie Hamburg did not stop with the Beispiel of Niederland to follow and a general Handyverbot and Schulen to hang. “I believe that we are doing well, that is in the responsibility of debts to be left. If you have incurred debts, you can do the household chores or take care of the practical matters. Other debts respond with social media expressions, while they work with handy things”, say the green politicians in the conversation with our editors.

An American debt mountain is one of the main ways to get a job done with its content. If the mobile phone has more debt, it starts in the classroom, the work has now started with a new debt in the Grundschulen.

Not without regulations Handyverbot planted

The Hamburg Minister is convinced that the unpaid debt service in Lower Saxony in the Umgang works with handy ‘unused’ devices and in the house that does not have any ordained aircraft.

Gleichzeitig ermunterte de Ressortchefin de Schulen, sich for new Unterrichtsmodelle zu öffnen and nicht zwingend an der klasischen 45-Minuten-Schulstunde festzuhalten. “Wir müssen mehr projektorientiert work, more thembezogen, auch mehr orientiert an den Neigungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler”, forderte Hamburg und fugte hindzu: “Wir sehen in Studen ja sehr deutlich, dass in den Augen velder Schüler die Realität an Schulen und dessen, The fact was that I wanted to look at my head with my own life.”

If so, then the Schülern is mainly interested, but sin is what he teaches. “We are in trouble in another time,” said the Minister.

Hamburg begins in the development with an editorial of the first years that the ‘Freiräume-Prozess’ has begun, which is now in a new phase. All debts of the Kultusministerium and the Broschüre have begun, while the Freiräume schon jetzt besthen.

Other form of school

“Away of 45 minutes, away from Deutsch, Mathe and Biologie with their large nature projects, the ‘Friday’ with self-study and another form from Schule. We will have more schools in Lower Saxony, which will be easier for them to follow. “I have lived differently from the German Schulpreis won,” the Ressortchef said, “I have experienced different experiences at school, who have completed 45 minutes of study and good experiences.” This is my pleasure at the end of your school ihrem Konzept für sich selfbst savory.

Quereinsteiger-Lehrer weiter fragt

If you have found the best way to leave the country, then proceed to the question. Hamburg can start at that time to start an online tool, with the interesting information and its uncomplicated use, that is, the Lehrerberuf-geeignet sind.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has found a new tool on the grocery store on the website of the cultural ministers. “We always experience those people who treat themselves as Quereinsteigende and then notice in their process that they do not inherit the Voraussetzungen or that the Beruf is not for themselves”, Hamburg might deutlich.

“Think about it, I’m proud of my class with my small children, and I’ll be happy again.”

Julia Willie Hamburg (Green)

Niedersachsens Kultusministerin

There is a problem that you can test, as it is, Lehrer or Lehrerin zu sein. “Viele thinks, if it is a class with small children, then it is more like that. I am thinking of the Beispiel and the General Assembly, the Board of Directors of a Class Community and the individual Lernentwicklung”, concrete of the Green Politics. Der Lehrerberuf sei “schon sehr anspruchsvoll, aber auch sehr erüllend”.