
Paralympic Games 2024: Flamme erloschen – Spiele sind beendet

Paralympic Games 2024: Flamme erloschen – Spiele sind beendet

Dreifach Erfolg for the German Canutines at the Paralympic Games: I letzten Wettbewerb with deutscher Beteiligung gewannen Edina Müller (Photo), Anja Adler and Felicia Laberer jewels Bronze. Tokyo-Siegerin Müller won the final of the Starting Class KL1 over the 200 m in 53.13 Sekunden Dritte. Adler crests in the Class KL2 in 52.17 Sekunden falls on the driven Platz in Ziel. Felicia Laberer reached the final of Class KL3 and became bronze.

Müller has contributed to the Paralympics Medal. You have to be in the final now that Siegerin Katherinne Wollermann from Chile (51.95 Sekunden) and Dauerrivalin Maryna Maschula from Ukraine (52.87 Sekunden) have passed. For the Triumph of Tokyo in the Kajak-Einer war Müller in London 2012 with the Rollstuhlbasketballerinnen erfolgreich gewesen. Dazu kommen zwei zweite Plätze (2008 in Rollstuhlbasketball, 2016 in Kajak).

Adler is the first Paralympic medalist. In the final I got a hint from the British Charlotte Henshaw (49.07) and Emma Wiggs (51.56).

Laberer competed in 48.79 Sekunden in letzten Wettkampf with the German Beteiligung dieser Paralympics behind the British Siegerin Laura Sugar (46.66) and the Französin Nelia Barbosa (47.91) in Ziel. They are finished in Tokyo Bronze.