
Flower dealer wrong for 32 years? Trials started

Flower dealer wrong for 32 years? Trials started

Flower dealer wrong for 32 years? Trials started

A 53rd anniversary will take more than 32 years for a flower handler to go wrong. Daniel Bockwoldt/dpa

More than 32 years after the arrival of the first flower handlers in Hamburg, they were already responsible for 53 years before the Landgericht. The Staatsanwaltschaft has the Rumänen Mord aus Habgier vor.

There is a sister with a 60-year-old age in March 1992 in the city of Hoorn in the Wohnung Alkohol getrunken haben. When one of the other devices is used, the man is more with a bottle on the kopfgedicht, in the case of a zerrissenen belaken gefesselt and with a fabric cloth knebelt. There are 60 years guarantee on the state bank with a belaken. Then is with the day-to-day intake of the flower dealers, one of the stands at the main station, the Wohnung-verlassen. The booty should cost 1500 to 2000 D-Mark is betaalgen haben.


Trotz intenser Ermittlungen konnte die Tatdamals zunächst nicht geklärt, hatte de Polizei im Herbst 2023 mitgeteilt. “In the following years, the aspects of the technical standards can be examined and the technically new standards can be adapted.”

After a state-owned company filed a DNA hit report in Italy in May 2023. A European Haft Order can be executed. Der Mann, the Angaben zufolge schließlich im vergangen Oktober in Großbritannien festgenommen be. Laut Anklage is not punishable by law for 53 years.

The Landgericht has posted a notice about the Termine.