
Historian Harari warns of existential risks of intellectual intelligence

Historian Harari warns of existential risks of intellectual intelligence

Global tensions are increasing, the climate crisis is coming to an end: Now is an intelligent knowledge of human health in the existing problem of existence. The history and vision of Yuval Noah Harari warn of existential risks.

Kriege, Seuchen, Klimakrise: Die Welt befindet sich in einem schlimmen Zustand. Künstliche Intelligenz not to help solve the major problems and make people’s lives easier and better. So Entwickler and Techfirmen praise the KI Revolution. It would entail enormous risks, Yuval Noah Harari warned, one of the main reasons for the fight. The new technology can bring about the end of the human revolution.

Who is affected by AI? Welche Gefahren drhen us? And was it that people found their schützen and the Vorteile van KI for a sin of their use? These excerpts from Yuval Noah Harari, the new Buch “Nexus. A history of the information network of the Steinzeit bis zur künstlichen Intelligenz” tomorrow weltweit erscheint, in the online interview.

t-online: Professor Harari, Krise een Krise erschüttert de Welt, met de rasanten Entwicklung der Künstlichen Intelligenz steht der Menschheit een weitere Herausforderung voor, deren Ausmaß sie noch gar nicht abschätzen kann. Are you afraid of the Zukunft?

Yuval Harari: I have some fear of the future. To a certain extent at least. There is a good foundation, one of the most powerful new technologies in development. While the intelligent intelligence lies about risks and problems for us. We can not but experience a catastrophe.

In the active book “Nexus” it is so that the AI ​​switches off the human herrschaft with a false hand. That sounds dramatic.

I will die if a person gets a warning. That is the sinn meines Buches – everything in the Annahme, that we will then have better separations and that the best possible prevention could be achieved.

Worauf gründen Sie Ihr Vertrauen in die Menschheit?

It’s amazing that people can do the craziest things. If you are concerned about the miraculous situation of your business. Letzten Endes is one of the things we can do. Weder Naturgesetze noch hemmlische Kräfte walten in die Frage, sondern es is allein unsere Verantwortung, was machen met de KI. Weiß nicht, was passioneren wird, aber ich courte inständig, that all in the coming years of intelligent Entscheidungen were met.

Yuval Noah Harariborn 1976, teaches History at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is regarded as one of the most important pioneers of the opposition. His Books “A true history of humanity“, “Homo Deus” and “21 Lektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert” since an international Bestseller. This is the result of the successful implementation of the Harari 2019 organization “Sapienship”, a solution to global problems. With “Nexus. One of the most important information networks of the Steinzeit bis zur künstlichen Intelligenz” erscheint am 10. September 2024 Hararis neuestes Werk.

Who is the truster when you have the AI, which will gain even more power through human help?

I have no confidence in AI. This AI is different when it comes to a brilliant, infallible machine. It is new, it is fallible. They have a position of power in the hands of Menge Fehler – and will know how long it lasts. It is clear: Wir Menschen is an insecure, who can carry out the AI ​​control. It is a very gefährliche combination.

Do you see the big problem that is being done by AI?

If AI deals with the first technology in development, the self-separation effects can take place. And never again: AI can imagine a new idea. Every person must understand, what is meant. AI is not a tool, but an entrepreneur.

Often the attack on the KI is carried out on 21. Jahrhundert met de Erfindung der Druckerpresse op 15. Jahrhundert verglichen. Does this Gleichsetzung harm the potenzielle Gefahr, die von KI ausgeht?

The printing press serves the purpose, the idea of ​​a spread. If you can copy a book, it can no longer be written. The printing press is not separated, but the copy is only sold. There are people who have suffered this Entscheidung. Another example: The atomic bomb is such a mighty wafer, but it is not separated, but it is put in the war. They can make no mistakes and send the atomic weapons to the shipyard. Also that has happened to two people. With the AI, humanity is now even competing. It is always possible to use an intelligent intelligence, which is self-aware for tentwickeln. It is a distinguishing mark: you learn and acquire something yourself. The concept AI would make much use of a computer program, which none of these ground legends paint, is light and a small AI. The idea that AI has come up with is that the human engineer acquires the system – which is then a technical artificial baby through interaction with the well-known knowledge.