
Verlorenes Talent – ​​​​Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Verlorenes Talent – ​​​​Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Verlorenes Talent – ​​​​Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung


Let more young South Tyroleans be separated, their Studium in Ausland is free – and can dort. Why that lies.

by Nadia Tinkhauser

The so-called “Brain Drain”, the Abwanderung von Talenten, which has been giving an impetus in South Tyrol in recent years. This was the best during a study of the South Tyrolean labor market in this month’s study, the poor situation of adulthood from the years 2005 to 2012, when the years thereafter were analyzed. It is a matter of fact that 16 percent of adults have left South Tyrol. There is a prior experience that the foreigner in his studies is, who is in the study abroad after studying.

Jannis Kager Kofler, Vorsitzender der Südtiroler HochschülerInnenschaft Innsbruck (SH Innsbruck), knows these problems first-hand. “If your personal life is not yours, you will always have more study plans, after which you will be happy in your home country and have a relaxing holiday in South Tyrol – among your people, who are living in the growing regions. The Brain Drain is not yet a problem, a real problem,” says Kager Kofler.

Die Gründe für diese Abwanderung liegt voor ihn auf der Hand. “A first set is worth a higher price, outside of Raum Bozen, which the young Academy has turned into a serious sin. If the beginning of the work of a dwelling is often used in a long time, it is true that the most undisputed leader is now one of the long duration of the dwelling. Zudem beets South Tyrol and Italy have few attractive working conditions. Die Gehälter für Berufseinsteiger since deutlich niedriger as im Ausland“, explains Kager Kofler. Also in Bezug auf Karrierechansen sieht there South Tyrol at Night: “Südtirol cannot with international metropolises such as Wien or Munich messenger. For many young people, the Ausland is a lockable possibility, the poor runway in an international environment with a great chance of a start.”

There are no economic aspects that Kager Kofler has on the beginning of a youth culture, the Verlernen der Zweitsprache wahrend des Auslandsaufenthalts and the schlechteren Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten für Fachkräfte wie Lehrer, Techniker or Ärzte als Gründe für die Abwanderung. Criticism is leveled at the analysis of the American studies in Italy, which is incoherent on an indisputable feature of the fehlende approach to modern working models.

These factories are probably younger in South Tyrol, in Australia they are shy and dart them to work. The following developments in South Tyrol are from Kager Kofler: “It is difficult to achieve qualified personal in system-relevant areas such as education, health and management. The last years of the labour market for young people were the quality of service very important.” In the exercise of pension schemes, the brain drain is one of the greatest challenges. “The years of life that take place in the rest area and the hinterland of the work areas, the qualification of the mangels nachfolger will not be accepted. If the interest becomes longer, if it takes longer – this rechnung will no longer last”, warn for the advances.

When people are the best, the chances are high: “We must rethink and adapt the South Tyrolean labour market. There is a new, innovative concept, a young people to South Tyrol back to work”, he claims. South Tyrol has an example of other Italian dishes with a higher quality. “I am of the journey, which stops with stopping, but also other areas to improve, which leads the entire journey through the local community: the financing of culture bots, a comprehensive health care, the increase of Löhnen and a more cost-efficient living allowance”, Kager Kofler claims.

I am Austausch mit Politikern entscheidungsträgern de SH continuierlich een den Entwicklung von Solösungen. So think of the study of the University of Innsbruck in the study organization of the Swedish university, a study that is in contact with others to talk and the Prüfung of Zweisprachigkeitsnachweis to erleichtern to bring – a heavier Stride on the way to South Tyrol. You can get started with the university university with Job Speed-Dating in life, a young professional with potential South Tyrolean work experience to vernetzen.

As for the question of how the Brain Drain was started, Kager Kofler can no longer make a single mistake. “This problem is no longer a problem when a problem occurs. An intervention of a longer period is called for,” he explains. Part of the criticism is in one of the political, political, creative and study results that analyzes a problem and the active state of affairs, a problem. “South Tyrolean companies must start so early, to gain expertise for themselves – ideally directly at the study centers in foreign countries, especially in Austria, in order to be prepared by practice areas and other means while the study itself is producing,” Kager Kofler argues.

Auch de Gestaltung von Praktika sollte seiner meinung nach überdacht was: “It is true, a guarantee for the Vergütung von Praktikanten einzuführen, with a minimum of 800 Euro for University practitioners and 600 Euro for Oberschüler”, thus Kager Kofler. There is concrete that auszubauen the Notnauwe Keit, the Angebot and Wohnmöglichkeiten. “De Nutzung van Wohnraum in dem Most common community of the city and a whole basis of the living situation in the Umland, and through a Verkehrsanbindung und de Orte met Arbeitsmöglichkeiten, je beitragen, good Wohnmöglichkeiten zu procure“, summarizes the sh-Vorsitz end .

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