
“Teufel and Dämonen, singt mit mir”

“Teufel and Dämonen, singt mit mir”

Berlin – Luziferische Musik-Messe am Heiligen Sonntag im Lido: Der “Southern Gothic”-Songwriter King Dude kehrte nach seiner Abschiedstournee zurück nach Berlin-Kreuzberg. Doner and Drying blieben dabei een amüsante Randnotiz.

Volta is ready for King Dude.

Volta is ready for King Dude. © Denis Zielke/TAG24

The High Priest fell, the Pilgrims came. King Dude (property: Thomas Jefferson Cowgill, short TJ Cowgill) was one of the lovers of Neo-Folk and Dark-Country, in Zwischenansagen with black humor. When that happens, feel a blue Mephisto with an acoustic guitar.

If you have power over the completion of the music, then the own description of the music and the visual world is erschafft and sich with angelic music in the best tradition of Chelsea Wolfe (40, duettierte seinerzeit with King Dude) and Dillon (36) found. A powerful One-Woman-Band.

This is the Stimmung for King Dude. Go to a Blick in de Runde. Everything is completely fine. Enjoy the warm summer days in Berlin. Das Publikum was still, so last in itself, gemischt.

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There were no more ways to keep the costs down. Manche shulterten gar Edeka-Einkaufstaschen. Kaum Patschuli lay in the air. It’s going to happen. With the toupierte Robert-Smith-Frisur, with the Leder-Harness, the Camouflage-Fischerhut, the Burning-Man-Veterans together with Rasta-Dutt, the Zugehackten. See it.

When Verweis is in charge of management, the show is twice as good as the music. Height: 1000 statt 500 Gäste.

King Dude went to a concert at the Lido in Berlin-Kreuzberg one year ago.

King Dude went to a concert at the Lido in Berlin-Kreuzberg one year ago. © Denis Zielke/TAG24

“Hello Frankfurt”, the referee Dude will play directly after the audience on the stage, before the Abend is eliminated with “My beloved Ghost”. Später sollte is aus seiner Liebe zu Berlin no Mördergrube machen.

The relief of the Abends had gone to Dauer-Quasseler, the King Dude and his Mitstreiter Garrett Gonzales on the Pinsel – although they themselves were the PA Lautsprecher übertönt.

“If you don’t have to worry about it, that’s it, that’s what it’s all about – aber all hassen dich. So don’t worry about a folk show,” King Dude proclaims, saying that in Verlaufe des Konzerts at Zwischenrufen, he casually does not believe in the Butter vom Brot nehmen ließ .

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While the American-American music player and the tallest Australien-Auswanderer are playing, it is a fact that he says, among other things: “I have a great tour, aber meine Tochter braucht Sachen, also bin ich wieder zurück.”

And in the meantime, they are correct: “No one in Berlin has children, they are now their children.”

Neben Hits wie “Velvet Rose”, “Spiders in Your Hair”, “Lucifer’s the Light of the World” and “Jesus in the Courtyard” – together with the Einladung zur Liturgie (“Teufel und Dämonen, singt mit mir”) – war king Dude zu Späßen auflegt.

“Wir hatten traditionalell deutsches Essen. Er (Garrett, Anm. d. Red.) hate Thai food and I hate speed. The worst thing about Döner thinking, besides: Amphetamine. If you have done this, you have exceeded the limit.”

There is a war offensive that Spaß is achieving in Berlin, which is not aimed at the public, with the aim of improving public relations and friendship. “Ihr seid einzigartig” – and that is true.

With the segments “Lasst Luzifer sein Light auf euch scheinen”, King Dude appears at 11 p.m. in the Abend – and the young man in the lukewarm night. “Geht, es is warm draußen.”

Wer King Dude in Deutschland passed: Am 9. September there plays in Lux Club Linden in Hannover, before weiter after Sweden.