
Lots of Rain Follows the Summery September Start | – News

Lots of Rain Follows the Summery September Start | – News

Status: 09.09.2024 06:41

The German Water Service (DWD) has put an end to the Hitze in the North for Gewittern and Starkregen. I’m going to leave the Norden in their warm September as soon as possible.

Bereits in der Nacht are worth seeing in Lower Saxony and später auch weiter nordlich grim regnet. The DWD will see the rain band from tomorrow onwards as a Hamburg-Göttingen line after the Norden – which will be accompanied by extremely heavy rainfall with mixing of up to 70 liters per square meter. Laut Hamburger Feuerwehr kam es aber zu kinen besonderen wetterbedingen Einsätzen.

Zum Wochenstart is a German kitchen

In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern the meteorologists had fallen rain after their first night in the night before all on Monday. This can be illegal up to 45 liters in a quadratmeter in the desired position. If you try Sturmböen with your eighth Stärke, while the Ostsee gives your Stärke new warning.

In the new world it will all happen in the North of German cuisine.