
So raffiniert beeinfussen Hotels die ahnungslosen Gäste am Buffet

So raffiniert beeinfussen Hotels die ahnungslosen Gäste am Buffet

An expert on: Hotels can be informed at Gang zum Buffet. If you want to do this, make sure you do.

“BuzzFeed News Germany” spoken by gastronomy expert Gabriel Laeis, professor of hospitality at the International University of Applied Sciences (IU).

In conversation Laeis reveals how hotels consciously connect with your guests through the buffet design and your Essverhalten. What is natural is a fragment: Who are hotels, with all-inclusive boats, profitable?

“Hotels are consciously aware of their buffet design in terms of customer relations,” it is stated. This is done as a “Nudge” policy. Hotels use smaller Teller and Gläser, a prevention, that guests zu fell Essen nehmen.

Thanks for fall prevention

Laut Laeis hilft dieser Ansatz auch dabei, “the Lebensmittel-Abfall beim Buffet light zu halten“. The Experte concretet, that a good balanced Buffet, the Fish, Fleisch and vegetarian Options enthält, notnauwen. The Vorstellung, that Hotels ihre Buffets so anordnen, the guest of the carbohydrate has a strong focus, it is a Mythos.

Important tips for hikers

For Laeis it is clear that buffets are not “grazed”. “Heute weiß man is better and useful smaller Behältnisse, that man öfter auffüllt,” says that it is at BuzzFeed News Deutschland.

There are more Urlaubern, smaller hotels with local reports about wählen. “That man is not different from his own skin, without his own skin and his own skin,” so Laeis.

“The guest should be welcome, that hotels would be great for a special menu, especially if they serve the tasty kartoffelsuppe and später weniger vom teuren Fisch"erklärt Gastro expert Gabriel Laeis.

“The guest, the hotels may be a party, but offer the best service for cartoffelsuppe and später weniger vom teuren Fish,” explains Gastro-Experte Gabriel Laeis. Image images