
XUND, the Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Zentralschweiz, now has a location on the Suurstoffi-Areal in Rotkreuz

XUND, the Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Zentralschweiz, now has a location on the Suurstoffi-Areal in Rotkreuz

Die Zug Estates AG hat mit XUND, dem Bildungszentrum Gesundheit Zentralschweiz, een 30-year Mietvertrag über 6,000 m2 auf dem Suurstoffi-Areal in Rotkreuz ZG unterzeichnet.

XUND works together with the Büro- und Schulungsflächen in the Liegenschaft Suurstoffi 45, together with the Gebäude Suurstoffi 43, so that Baufeld is heard on the Suurstoffi-Areal. With the realization of the projects S43/45 entstehen rund 14’400 m2 Büro- und Schulungsfläche is 1,100 m away2 Living area for student accommodation. Der Baustart is the end of 2024 last year. The furniture was delivered in 2027 in a new and more modern style.

Josef Widmer, President of the Bildungszentrum XUND, strives for the high attractiveness of the new, modern standards that offer an innovative Umfeld des Areaals Synergy effect: “The Rotkreuz position starts with the regional anchoring of XUND in the central region and says that there are many study and learning activities. A synergy with new partner partners with the university in Lucerne was created to get ermöglicht and chance for the practice with the practice or the Forschung-eröffnet. “

Alain Baumgartner, Head of Portfolio Management at Zug Estates AG, says that he made the investments in the Bildungszentrums: “With XUND, an ideal partner has been found, who has achieved the best results of Mietern on the Suurstoffi area and has had a sustainable and likely use of the area. Nothing is better than market information about the attractiveness and the attractiveness of the market in the Zug region.”

About XUND
The Bildungszentrum XUND works with higher technical analysis and biomedical analysis; the Nachdiplomstudies Anästhesie-, Intensiv- und Notfallpflege; de überbetrieblichen Kursen Fachfrau/Fachmann Gesundheit und Assistent/Assistent Gesundheit und Soziales anyway Weiterbildungskursen ein breites, praxisnahes Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebot «aus einer Hand».

About Zug Estates
The Zug Estates Group creates, develops, markets and manages properties in the Zug region. If you are located in a centrally located area, the most common uses and a sustainable development are possible. The real estate portfolio is located abroad in the two areas in Zug and Risch-Rotkreuz together. Ensure a good connection to the Group in Zug in a city resort with the popular business hotels Park Hotel Zug and City Garden and a very good gastronomic experience. The total value of the portfolio amounts to CHF 1.84 billion as of 30 June 2024. Zug Estates Holding AG is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich, stock exchange (ticker symbol: ZUGN, currency number: 14 805 212).