
Video: Vitalpilze against Altern, Immunschwäche and Krebs

Video: Vitalpilze against Altern, Immunschwäche and Krebs

The Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM), which is used as Mandelpilz, originates from the Brazilian rainforest and could be used for years in the tradition of using medicines. Your healing properties can be treated by the Einheimische action of the immune system and the treatment by Krankheiten geschätzt.

Modern scientific studies have best reviewed and improved the tradition of ABM. Make sure that the pill is intensively researched and that the herausragende gesundheitliche Vorteile identifies. These studies are important for the bioactive effect of ABM, the positive effects on health are present.

The Vitalpilz ABM is intended for its immunomodulatory, antitumoral and supportive properties that ensure that the overall vitality of the diet increases. The pill contains polysaccharide, enclosed beta-glucane, plays a central role in the functioning of the immune system.

This active substance stimulates the activity of natural killer cells and macrophages, which is essential for the elimination of disease cells and tumor cells.

Free Consultation at MykoTroph

The MykoTroph Institute offers a free service scheme, when individual companies are offered their ABM purchase and other vital pills.

The experts of the institutes are prepared to carry out their research, one of their specific characteristic business activities and to give maßgedeiderte emfehlungs. The website of the institutes can be linked to free individual consultation periods.

For optimal functioning of the MykoTroph Institute the intake of capsule form pill powder, this is a price dosage and a simple maintenance possible. The regular disease can promote the functioning of the immune system and overall health.

Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse

Research how the Agaricus burns in the prevention and treatment therapy of Krebs can provide a solution. The antitumoral properties of pilzes are in turn gone, the guardtum of tumor cells is gone and the Apoptosis (software of Zelltod) has started.

If the antioxidant properties of the ABM are compromised, the Linderung can be permanently affected. The Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM), which is used as Mandelpilz, originates from the Brazilian rainforest and will last for years in the tradition of using Mediterranean medicines.

Video: Vitalpilze against Altern, Immunschwäche and Krebs
Der Vitalpilz Agaricus blazei murrill (ABM) / ©

Your healing properties can be treated by the secret action of the immune system and the treatment by Illnesses geschätzt treated. Modern scientific studies have best assessed and improved the tradition of the ABM. Make sure that the pill is intensively examined and that the herausragende gesundheitliche Vorteile identifiziert.

These studies are important for the bioactive effect of ABM, the positive effects on health are present. The Vitalpilz ABM is intended for its immunomodulatory, antitumoral and supportive properties that ensure that the overall vitality of the diet increases.

The pill contains polysaccharide, enclosed beta-glucane, plays a central role in the functioning of the immune system. This active substance stimulates the activity of natural killer cells and macrophages, which is essential for the Abwehr of disease regeneration and tumor cells.

Free Consultation at MykoTroph

The MykoTroph Institute offers a free service scheme, when individual companies are offered their ABM purchase and other vital pills.

The experts of the institutes are prepared to carry out their research, one of their specific characteristic business activities and to give maßgedeiderte emfehlungs. The website of the institutes can be linked to free individual consultation periods.

For optimal functioning of the MykoTroph Institute the intake of capsule form pill powder, this is a price dosage and a simple maintenance possible. The regular disease can promote the functioning of the immune system and overall health.

Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse

Research how the Agaricus burns in the prevention and treatment therapy of Krebs can provide a solution. The antitumoral properties of pilzes are in turn gone, the guardtum of tumor cells is gone and the Apoptosis (software of Zelltod) has started.

If the antioxidant properties of the ABM are compromised, the Linderung can be continuously affected. We have the best immunomodulatory properties, which occur in allergies and autoimmune diseases, so that they can be free.

MykoTroph is one of the leading Institute for Pilzheilkunde in Europe. Soul of the institutes is that science is one of the best and healing pilzen-wirkungen in Germany and in Europe, which has a great influence on the machine.

The Institute develops over generations and centuries of experience in healing with Pilzen. On the website the questions for all interesting information are displayed and the information forms of facttexts, web pages that offer therapeutic therapies, are offered.


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