
Nationalratswahl 2024 in Tyrol: NR-Candidate Klaus Mair im Protrait

Klaus Mair – der Spitzenkandidat for the Regional Wahlkreis 7B
Who is Klaus Mair?
Klaus Mair (born in 1977) is a politician who likes to work for the people in the blessing region for years. Valuable municipal political experience that has ensured for 26 years that the market municipality of Vomp has been collected. As vice-mayor of his home municipality. I think that the bed and the problem of the hamburgers and the hamburgers are not good. A political Arbeitsstil would play a major role when it comes to accounting for, outsourcing and describing it softly.
Klaus Mair has been managing the Geschützte Werkstätte Tirol since 2013, which employs more than 300 female and male workers. As a Geschäftsführer-verbindet is a social enterprise and economic know-how. The integration and development of people with a background in the labor market and in the business world are a central concern.
Klaus Mair worked as a craftsman at the beginning of the fishing and learning activities. After the Meisterprüfung als Kunst- en Bauschlosser follows the inheritance of the career of agricultural workers and independent business owners.
Klaus Mair works as a family man who is free with his beloved. There is an inheritance law and a children’s game. The Freude and the Schafzucht are busy with the game, with the young game it is regularly tennis. There are personal meetings with the Zusammenhalt in the Seiner Gemeinde.
Klaus Mair is an optimist and has made a living career in Tyrol and Österreich. This Grund-setzt is a leading and pleasant company for the Werte der Mitte ein. “Mitte” is suitable for my: Stabilität statt Extreme, Leistungsorientierung und soziales Handeln. “With Visions, Souls and Lösungen für die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit gilt es diese Werte zu sichern“, lautet sein Credo.

Pressetext für (KW 32) IL & Schwaz
Interview with NR Candidates Vize-Bgm. Klaus Mair

Would you like to know whether a National Council candidate has been selected?
I dared in the past 26 years in my home community Vomp to collect valuable municipal political experience. The municipal policy is not the man who is no other. If the chief executive of GW Tirol concerns himself with his words, the man with an underlying thought will have a good perspective. My perhaps erroneous and political know-how can now be exercised in the National Council and in the Bundesbene activities. Because I have learned that, that it is now very useful these competences and citizen needs.

It is a matter of Vize-Bürgermeister and Geschäftsführer, with broader positions. Auf Bundespoliticer Ebene did not become smaller. Was it motivating to give this up?
If I run for the umbrella organization, it is not fair, we are in the coming time vertritt and our Republic gestaltet. The political politics is gestaltet, not splinters. Ich ben überzeugt davon, for Tyrol and my wahlkreis in Wien viel bewegen zu können.

Would you like to know whether the reform will take place in the next legislative period?
The history of the country is massively put on the probe by the global Krisen over the years. The state has received money in its hands, one of the ways in which people and people can exert themselves, it is so that the Auswirkungen are those Krisen that are attractive. Dennoch will not come out of the Gröbsten-heraus for a long time. We can no longer use our Wirtschaft, our social systems can no longer function, our modernization of the Bildungsstandort, our Umwelt-schutzen and our Zusammenhalt-development. It is a great challenge, which fell Mut, Veronwortung and Kompetenz ervorern.

How do you want to do that?
There is no question of a loss, the man has established and strengthened a system in the blessing. There is a gilded “Stellschrauben” to turn. After the Ansatz is new, he has started with Wert von Leistung. The good wetting is a wetting of the Leistungskultur. The war in the east of the country has started in a country of Leistung with a strong government, through which personal investment energy can be invested. We owe the fleißigen and mutigen Arbeitnehmerinnen and Arbeitnehmern, the Unternehmerinnen and Unternehmern as well as the Landwirtinnen and Landwirten our present Wohlstand. It is good to know that you will be happy with your child: We are happy with our children’s health, care for our health and safety, and ensure that we are happy with our work. Dieser Einsatz muss aufgewertet be, damn our life model sichert bleibt.
Who has the Leistungsbereitschaft after a long anchorage?
Wohlstand and soziale Sicherheit thank with all things, that stand up and work. If it is good, it is a question of money in the cash flow. If you get an income from an incoming tax of 20% or 15%, you get a full bonus of € 1,000 for all your income. These are all possible pension schemes for the pension payments after setting up the pension schemes.
If you commit to doing everything, it can be a motivation to work.

If people in the labor market appeal to the trade market, there will probably be degressive, time-consuming business decisions. There is a decrease in the percentage from 55% to less than 50% and the light tax that goes with the exempt money. If you solve the problem, there is a new regulation of the Bildungskarenz, but the picture in the foreground is no longer of Karenz. It seems that the social swine can no longer work, but that is not the case. It needs a just support, for all jene, which es wirklich brauchen. The state is not that the food is not woolly.

What work points do you see for your waiting list?
I am currently in the municipalities of our wahlkreises on the way, a person and stakeholder who know the uninterested themes their learning. If it is heavy with my intensity, then it is one of the most surprising things for the bedtime of the rural population and the living people and the interest they have. This living space in its totality will be in the Bundesebène and in Parliament. The beds and themes are in my wahlkreis außerordentlich perhaps failed. It deals with a large wahlkreis Österreichs, with 250,000 residents and residents, more than 100 municipalities that are a living space problem, which are few second problems. The side-by-side is an agricultural and touristic problem. The Inntalfurche is a kind of Home and Business of Business and Industry. Both Bezirke, for the Spitzencandidate running for office, lie about the Brenner corridors.

Is Platz one of the Wahlkreis IL/Schwaz in his career in the quasi-fix of the National Council?
Fix is ​​certainly nothing, then the Voters and Voters have the Word. Of course there is a good starting position, but my vision is that a good Voter’s Day for the People’s Party and a great Vorzugsstimmen-Voter’s Day for myself will have arisen in the following weeks. If I have a strong mandate, I can find an audience in Vienna. A weighty incentive is notorious, because the interest of the country can be optimally utilized.