
Gesund essen im Home-Office: Tips voor deinen Arbeitstag zuhause

Gesund essen im Home-Office: Tips voor deinen Arbeitstag zuhause

The Kühlschrank is standard in the Reichsweite and Bewegung with often its Nebensache: Working in the home office can be a schiere machen, if that is so. But what can you do today?

Corona attacks can play a big role in the home office. The natural hat is Advantages. It is often a long way to the road and the man who never had a problem was a man who saw himself. A night that the work of the house is all the more beautiful, namely, that the road to the Kühlschrank is most not wide. You move one of the other things you can do and then you stop with one of the other snacks you can eat.

It is no longer the case that you have to use a few Grundregeln to use your home office and be the most essential. If we take our lifestyle to a higher level and go a step further, the online magazine ‘Gesundes Leben heute’ proposes an active Beitrag party.

More Conscious Start in the Tag: Tomorrow a man will do his work, if he is hungry, he automatically becomes the fresh time of his essence. If you have a home office, it is so that the time for the fresh air is no longer necessary and no longer necessary to write.

Choosing the right snacks: Zwischenmahlzeiten since erlaubt, so long as they become consciously aware. Walnuts, cashew nuts and almonds form the basis of the nutritional value. Auch Feigen, Cocktail tomatoes or Karotten are good snacks.

Sugar bombs disfigure: Fruit jogging and fruit smoothies often fell on Zucker. It is worth using natural yoghurt or enjoy in the smoothie you can use. Kekse enthalten häufig viel Zucker or Salz. I am the best man you can help yourself, you can exercise control.

Enough drinks: If the Trinken product is on the market, it can be a carafe with a 1.5 liter washer or an uncomplicated T-piece on the Schreibtisch set. Erinnerungs apps or der computer can be used for free. A hilarious tip: Gläser mit breitem Durchmesser können dazu führen, dass man unbewusst mehr and damit ausreichend trinkt. Lebensmittel wie Tomaten or Gurken entalten ebenfalls fell under Wasser and Vitamine.

Movement: Absgeehen von der Ernährung empfiehlt Desundes Leben heute des weiteren auch in regular Abstandden vom Schreibtisch aufzustehen and exercise intensively for several minutes. Isometric exercises, Yoga, Seilhüpfen, Hanteln, – everything is done, the Kreislauf was brought into Schwung and the stars Muskeln and Gelenke wieder locker were lost.

Now you can use the best Homeoffice tag and create a faulty tag with new performance, a fault and a good operation.