
Great Final Standings for Tyrolean Rookie in F4 Central Europe

Great Final Standings for Tyrolean Rookie in F4 Central Europe

Simon Schranz made his debut in the F4 CEZ Championship in Brünn and won Linie in the superwomen

Be prepared to participate in the formal training of the Young Driver Programs during your training in the official FIA ​​Formel-4-Meisterschaften and be prepared to participate in the training of the Club Racing for itself. These houses are a success in the F4 Central Europe and are welcome.

Ersten van drei Läufen op Autodrom Brünn wurde Schranz in F4 Boliden des Renauer Motorsport Teams goter Sechster, I zweiten verpasste is als Vierter sein first Podium hauchdünn, and the unwritten Lauf must be a berührung during the battle in the P4 on a Reifenschade unresolved debts. In der Rookie-Wertung holte Schranz zweimal P2!

“As a Racer you can of course never achieve a victory, but the Podium War in Lauf 2 drin and the Fall in Lauf 3 tut weh. The goal is achieved that the first war is the first time that the war is analyzed, and that the direction of the direction is determined.

The team leader Sepp Renau is now in touch with us: “We will be with Simon for three days during our stay. If you want to know more, Rom is not even a Tag erbaut.”

Playing the team boss, Schranz starts the season finale of the F4 Central Europe at the Salzburgring as Austrian Tabellenführer Oscar Wurz who starts with, “an even more experience for the planned full racing season in the Meisterschaft in the coming years, so Renauer continues.

Der Abschluss in Salzburg starts at 21/22. September and offer Meet & Greets with Schranz verlosen.


Photo: KÄLTETUTGUT/Christophe Schmutz


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