
Xing-Arbeitsmarktverslag said it is available for printing for personalization

Xing-Arbeitsmarktverslag said it is available for printing for personalization

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Discover new Requirements, high Requirements and Skills Managment – ​​all great Recruiter for Herausrequirements. An active study said that it is about a punk.

I know that this last year is quickly becoming a Foursome that attacks Stellen as if for a year. There is a stelterhebung of the institutions for Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) der Bundesagency für Arbeit. “Am Arbeitsmarkt said that it was so that Quartal in the next step followed one of the offenen Stellen,” so Arbeitsmarktforscher Alexander Kubis in a press conference. Trotz des Rückgangs der offenen Couples are for all in small and medium sized Betrieben four of five offenen Couples in these Betrieben zu finden, so Kubis remains. In the last quarter of 2024 I wrote about 100 reports Couples run 205 working hours reported Persons, report that IAB. The Career Report Xen hat at the Market Research Institute Appinio den Labor Market Report 2024 in Auftrag gegiben. Because there are other people who do not find the situation good for the recruiter.

Jobs in Germany: So work on the Fachkräftemangel at Recruiter aus

Recruiter met Unternehmensführung in een Bewerbungsgespräch.
The recruiter’s staff is likely to have an active relationship with Xing, which can lead to many personal issues during customer service. (Symbolbild) © Andrey Popov/Panthermedia/Imago

The couples are longer busy – all the commotion has doubled since the Besetzungsdauer since 2014. This now lies for exactly 148 days, informs Xen in a Press Release. It was the Recruiter who had the Karrier report in his eyes Labor Market Report 2024 Issued:

  • 86 Prozent der Befragten geben an, dass die Unternehmensführung hohe Erwartungen und Anforderungen an sie habe.
  • 83 Prozent der Befragten haben durch de Fachkräftemangel einen “höheren Administrativen Aufwand”.

Daraus eribt sich ein höherer Druck für Personalizer in Deutschland. Rund 63 Prozent complain in the sense of the word about “high emotional tension and stress”. Be that as it may, the personal employee of the Unternehmen unterstützt würden: “Unternehmensführungen müssen in narrower Zusammenarbeit with ihren Personalabteilungen that are aligned Rahmenbedingungen purchase, an itself as attractive Arbeitgeber zu positionieren,” says Thomas Kindler, Managing Director of Xen. Attractive for professionals who “arrange flexible working conditions, fair access and a good work-life balance”, so in an active press conference, which is on IPPEN.MEDIA.

The staff advertisements come from out of sight of the recruiter. So brands beef 46 Prozent der befragten Personaler, dass die Bewerber bewerber des Fachkräftemangels unverbindlicher seien.

  • 58 Prozent were located, 20 Prozent schon häufig beziehungsweise sehr häufig von Bewerbern ghosted.
  • 58 Prozent nehmen zunehmend höhere Erwartungen von Bewerbern hinsichtlich Jobbedingungen, Unternehmenskultur und Benefits wahr.

Another part of the Xing Labor Market Reports 2024 examined the fight against the Arbeitnehmer – it is a herculean phenomenon that runs from 50 percent of the commissioned workers wanting to work less.

Do not fit: Everything about the Job & Occupation theme find your Karriere newsletter, then you can find more information here.

Zeitfresser in Alltag – the best recruiter for the study

Viel Zeit is intended for administrative use – beef 49 Prozent der Zeit verringen sie mit “der Identifizierung geeigneter Kandidaten durch die Sichtung eingehend Bewerbungen beziehungsweise der Organization und Durchführung von Vorstellungsprächen”, so Xen. But in the meantime, never mind the Vor- und Nachbereitung in Anspruch, so heed:

  • Screening of Bewerbungen and Lebensläufen: 37 Percent
  • Candidate Research and Active Responses: 36 Percent
  • Onboarding process and administrative support for new solutions: 35 Percent
  • Documentation and reporting (e.g. inheritance control): 28 Percent

An administrative process can be performed automatically by the knowledge of the Artistic Department, which provides the “Spaum voor de kernkpetenzen van Recruitern”, so Kindler. The copy of the recruiter said that 42 of the orders more time for the company and the presentation discussions take place. Around 36 percent are more time for the active searchers who have their own employees.

Personal profit and employment placement: was the recruiter employed?

So look at the recruiter and personalizer’s planning:

  • 88 Prozent finden the active suche nach Mitarbeitern “eher bis sehr wichtig”.
  • 30 Ensure that the factory workers’ shelter is the most efficient solution. Remote working and flexible working conditions can yield 47 results. Eigene Weiterbildung, which is personal with the new re-examinations, finds 41 Percent of the subjects difficult.
  • Faster Recruiting Process is 37 Prozent der Befragten.

If the transformation of the working world is gelinge, it is “smart recruitment, a new art of the job and the flexible work model”, says Kindler and sees the internal ganzheitlich in der Pflicht: “Recruiting is a success factor. The responsibility is no longer based on the personal guilt of the personal lie, without having to be strategically anchored in the corporate leadership. ”

Over the Xing Labor Market Report 2024

The Career Report Xen which is the Arbeitsmarkt report at the Marktforschungsinstitut Appinio in Auftrag. Befragt wurden insgesamt 3,500 Angestellte im Alter between 18 and 65 years. There were 2,000 Angestellte from Deutschland, 1,000 from Austria and 500 from German Switzerland. Ebenso wurden 600 Personalizer and Recruiter in DACH-Raum fragmented. That date happened in July 2024.