
Küchenklassiker Kartoffel: Leckerer Lebensverlängerer!? – food monitor

Küchenklassiker Kartoffel: Leckerer Lebensverlängerer!? – food monitor

Kartoffeln is convinced – but is it possible to become “Leben langängern”? Ernährungswissenschaftler Uwe Knop beleuchtet new Erkenntnisse zu diesem allgegenwärtigen Grundnahrungsmittel.

Was Forscher unexamined in his new study?

Potatoes are a staple food in a number of traditional cuisines, but my work on the long-term Risk of Heart Disease (HKD) and mortality is not relatively unclear. That’s why this new study is sorely lacking if you have one of the best Kartoffelkonsumptions and todesfällen from Ursachen, including KHK-specific Todesfälle, there is a longer internal Beobachtungszeitraum inner hall of a untersuchungsgruppe – a kind of “Kohorte” – of an untersuchen, which no bought Kartoffeln-konsumiert. By analyzing the Norwegian Esseverhalten erwachsener with Fokus on the wöchentlichen Kartoffelkonsum Daraus wurde a Zusammenhang zischen Kartoffelkonsum and the Sterberisiko errechnet.

What Ergebnisse konnten die Norwegian Wissenschaftler beobacht?

Of the 78,000 Teilnehmern with a duration of 41 years in an etwa of 40 years Beobachtungszeitraum 28,000 Menschen. Teilnehmer, who more than 14 Kartoffeln/Woche aßen, hatten a moderate lower Toderiskiko (unabhangig der Ursache) as Teilnehmer, die weniger als sechs Kartoffeln/Woche aßen. The war of the kartoffelkonsum lasts with a small sterberisiko of Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen, Herzinsuffizienz and akutem Herzinfarkt verbunden. Die Forscher resumieren daher. “In this choice with an overall hohen Konsum of over-the-top purchases of Kartoffeln you will find a modest, comprehensive association between Kartoffelkonsum and Tod.” Oder einfacher: Were the cards to be made, it lasts longer! But Attention. This study is a “musterbeispiel” for the failing evidence (Beweise) in the science of knowledge – and it is intended to push the enormous limits of the whole beyond their limits.

Is this study a “musterbeispiel” for the fehlende Evidenz (Beweise) in the Ernährungswissenschaft?

Here we see precisely correlations from an observation study – but no causal evidence! If the statistics are drawn up, the urgent-effect-concerns will no longer be there – and not even any of the medical relevance. And that is impressed with all life and health issues: man can exclude the potatoes here by ballast, fruit and vegetables or veganism – that is to say that all others “truths for healthy perception”: abducted from correlations. There are now hypotheses and mutations that do not generate any causality. And that is now one of the limited boundaries of the “Glaskiugel perception science” – it is not that it is more (the heaviest finds here).

Aber Kartoffeln is a good Lebensmittel, isn’t it?

Every autumn. Potatoes are the most valuable, dust-free and most likely dietary supplements. Potatoes are a complex complex of water hydrates, which keeps the energy long and energetic. They contain many vitamins such as vitamin C and B vitamins that contain minerals such as potassium. Fiber in the potatoes is formed by a healthy Verdauung, regular blood sugar level and the rotation of the seats. Potassium played an important role in the regulation of blood pressures. The potato can be used to solve different variations that are worked on – be it as salt or pepper potatoes, as potato salad and dumplings or as one of the credible dietary supplements: French fries. As the temperature rises and the Spa in Freibad rises, the Hunger and the Pommes rise “in Unermessliche” – and if you have a rational reason, this broader combination makes total physiological sense.

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Your Button (*72) ist evidence-based research scholar (Dipl.oec.troph./JLU Gießen), Publizist, Referent und Buchautor (aktuell „ENDLICH RICHTIG ESSEN“ (August 2024)). Look at the objective basic analysis of the studies carried out for more than 14 years to the core of a non-hanging automatic analysis. The button that the main character with his own soul, the self-information and the separation between the different main things of the world – the general essence of Essen with his life – vertrout, makes. Contact: [email protected]