
Transparency and Dialog: Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek starts Online-Portal “Sammlungsgut aus colonialen Kontexten” | nmz

Transparency and Dialog: Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek starts Online-Portal “Sammlungsgut aus colonialen Kontexten” | nmz

With the online portal “Collection of goods from colonial contexts”, the German Digital Library has provided an educational support for the digital economy of colonial contexts in German cultural and scientific institutions.

The new portal is aimed at the investigation of people from the German, German, English and French objects and their history. The online portal of the German digital library provides the basis for great transparency about the verb of the colonial society in the German cultural and scientific institutions and ermöglicht the dialogue with the herkunftsländern and -gesellschaften weltweit. The use is free of charge and there is no registration possible.

Zum Launch des Portals sind Informationen zu more 100,000 Objekten von insgesamt 26 Einrichtungen in Deutschland abrufbar. Finding a Kulturgüter, Artefakte, Schmuck, Werkzeuge, Waffen, Musikinstrumente as well as botanical Präparate aus Gebieten, which nachwirkten a more formal Colonial Herrschaft state or in the colonial Structures. The culture is being reorganized on the portal, which can be restored.

The launch of the online portals in October 2020 will be about the Bund, Ländern und Kommunalen Spitzenverbände merging “3 Wege-Strategie zur Fassung und digital Veröffentlichung von Sammlungsgut aus colonial kontexten in Deutschland” zurück. The installation of new portals is carried out by the Federal Government for Culture and Media.

The research on angebotten will be expanded and the objects in the databank will be added. The portal is elongated over the best colonial contexts in the German cultural and scientific institutions nachweisen and der Öffentlichkeit weltweit machen.

Claudia Roth, State Minister for Culture and Media: “If we compare the community with each other, we will keep the colonial past separate. Because it is so, Transparenz über Kulturgüter aus colonial kontexten rezustellen. The online portal of the German Digital Library offers information on science and the heritage countries that offer new possibilities for finding information and the existing file and solving objects in the German collections. For that background appeal in all directions and the trade in Germany, the best of the German Digital Library is an overview of the machines, where you can get clarity about a future-oriented partnership with the heritage countries and -companies. “

Timon Gremmels, the President of the Cultural Minister and State Minister for Science and Research, Art and Culture of the Landes of Hessen, wrote: “These countries understand the launch of German lands, central to digital portals for ‘Collections from colonial contexts’. The online portal is one of the most recent messages, transparency and transparency in Germany before colonial culture, which rezustellen the Herkunftsländern and Herkunftsgesellschaften. At the Entwicklung, the German Digital Libraries are the contact persons for the colonial contexts in Deutschland, Museums, Wissenschaft and Sammlungen that offer experts and experts from the Herkunftsländer-konsultiert. Don’t worry about spending more time on the vulnerability of the portals. Here the team of the Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek can thank you on behalf of the federal states.”

Prof. Dr. Hermann Parzinger, Speaker of the German Digital Library and President of the Preußischer Kulturbesitz Foundation, said: “I am free, that the German Digital Library has launched the new online portals that provide a transparent solution for the collection of colonial products. Nutzer*innen steht een Portal zur Verfügung, auf dem schon jetzt unterschiedlichtste Kultuurinrichtungen ihre Sammlungen in Verbund with many others Häusern einem breiten Publikum zugänglich machen.”

Further information

Zahlen (Angaben zum Launch des Portals)

  • Rund 110,000 Objektebereitgestellt von insgesamt 26 Kulturinstitutionen

Left in the Portal Sammlungsgut from colonial contexts