
Buchrezsenion: Von Monstern bis zu Plünderern

Buchrezsenion: Von Monstern bis zu Plünderern

Cornwall is a wildly romantic landscape in southern England, the Londoner bettere Kreise on 19. Jahrhundert as a holiday destination. If we play an exciting role in the works of British literary and musical mirrors, then leave the Schriftsteller of Alexandra Lavizzari in her book «Women in Cornwall» behind. So machte Daphne du Maurier 1938 in the bestseller «Rebecca» of Landsitz Manderley and the coast of Cornwall, who is afraid to die, a dem sich für die Ich-Erzählerin die van allen verehrte Titelgestalt on nach zijn Tod nog verderregendes Monster-pop.

The Talland House in St. Ives was surrounded by unforgettable children’s paradises in London with Virginia Woolf and presented his idea with the «Momenten des Seins» so important for his erzähltechnik, with the fact that it is so, if it is a Stecker who Wall zu monieren, in this era, lives are completely different. A typical typical historical phenomenon from Cornwall, which plundered through the light signal and the bright coast of Kentern brought Schiffen, who Komponistin and Frauenrechtlerin Ethel Smith, who as a 70-year-old unsterblich in Virginia Woolf was lost, in the 1906 uraufgeführten Oper «Strandrecht » musical setting. The work, which the Landschaft Cornwalls spiritedly brought to Klingen, will receive a triumphant revival in Berlin in 2022.