
Assembly dealer in Frankfurt: TecDAX mit Zuschlägen | 09.09.24

Assembly dealer in Frankfurt: TecDAX mit Zuschlägen | 09.09.24

Am Mittag said that the Börsianer in Frankfurt is so versichtlich.

At 12:09 Uhr jumps from TecDAX in XETRA-Handel at 0.90 Prozent auf 3 254.90 Punkte an. An der Börse sind die enthaltenen Werte damit 523,905 Mrd. Euro true. Zum Beginn des Montagshandels stand ein Zuschlag von 0.479 Prozent auf 3 241.21 Punkte an der Kurstafel, after 3 225.77 Punkten am Vortag.

The Börsen barometer has a high value at 3,239.43, a value that beats the index at its highest level at 3,260.46.

TecDAX Development in the Annual Version

On 09.08.2024 it was one month ago that TecDAX was at 3 269.40 points. Before you leave the door of the XETRA Trading Week Agreement. On the previous Trading Day, on 07.06.2024, TecDAX was trading at 3 454.73 points. For one year of use of the XETRA Trading Week Agreement. On the previous Trading Day, on 08.09.2023, TecDAX was trading at 3 090.84 points.

The index is annualized in 2024 at a value of 2.10 per year. Der TecDAX-verzeichnete in diesem Jahr seinen höchsten Wert bei 3 490.44 Punkten. The Jahrestief concerns hinges 3 125.18 Zähler.

Winner and Loser in TecDAX

The strong shares in TecDAX are active SÜSS MicroTec SE (+3.37 percent to EUR 52.20), Sartorius vz (+2.99 percent to EUR 244.60), Siltronic (+2.63 percent to EUR 70.25), CANCOM SE (+1.97 percent to EUR 26.92) and HENSOLDT (+1.89 percent to EUR 30.22). The Verlierer in TecDAX is linked to PNE (-0.35 Prozent at EUR 11.34), ATOSS Software (-0.34 Prozent at EUR 117.60), freenet (-0.22 Prozent at EUR 26.72), 1&1 (-0.14 Prozent at EUR 13.88) and TeamViewer (-0.09 Prozent at EUR 11.43). ).

These actions are the largest trading volumes in TecDAX on

The Deutsche Telekom-Aktie is the highest trading volume in TecDAX on. It will be traded via XETRA 762 588 Aktien. The SAP SE-Aktie comes to a market capitalization of 222.475 Billion Euro. If we do not use the Aktie in TecDAX anymore, the chance is greater that it is active.

These dividends apply to the TecDAX shares

The 1&1 action reported 2024 has FactSet estimation with 8.11 of the lowest Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) among the TecDAX-Werten. The Freenet stock will perform in 2024 with FactSet-Schätzung with 6.87 percent of the largest dividends in the wettbewerbern report in the index.

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