
Vorsorge was very well written

Vorsorge was very well written

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Vorsorge was very well written
Study of Anglistin and Augenoptikmeisterin: Angelika Bopp-Seitzer has been based at Stade Optik since 2014. Der Laden soll jetzt modernisiert. © Rimkus, Alexandra

The Ellwanger Augenoptikgeschäft in the Brauergasse has been modernized and the Leistungspektrum has been improved.

Elwangen. Das Augenoptikgeschäft Stade in der Brauergasse 2 in Ellwangen is being demolished. The Massnahme began on September 23 and began in the Second Bauabschnitten. During this period, the Geschäft is held on October 28 to November 15.

Laut-inhaberin Angelika Bopp-Seitzer became more Gründe for the big change in the eye opticians, in 1986 from the Badgasse 1 to the Brauergasse 2 in Ellwangen, so-called ist. If you are in the loading process, the modernization of the time has become smaller, but it was no longer noticeable that you would see the eye optician. That was now taken into account. “It is a fact of the time. The atmosphere should also be for our very technical Standard passengers.”

Künftig im Angebot: Netzautountersuchungen und Augendruckmessungen

Bei bei Stade Optik auch in Sachen Technik noch weiter aufgerüstet wird. The Augenvorsorge can play an even greater role here. It is possible that another new fundus chamber has a different problem, with the network of knowledge that can be explored. If you are in the Geschäft, you might be able to use the Augendruckmessungen in the coming years. “With the help of the care provided, the patients and the patients will be able to make their own progress,” says Bopp-Seitzer, who lives by his life ten Myopia management confirmed. If you want the seller to hide your details, it may be that the strength of myopia (nearsightedness) in childhood and youth desires is solved. A problem, die in the years of the German zugenommenhoed. In Germany, the Mittlerweile Rund is 35 Perzent All children and adolescents as well as around 50 percent of the students are short-sighted. “We have chosen Job as an option that has had a great opportunity to take a theme of care one step further,” says Angelika Bopp-Seitzer. As a result, her 165 square meters are large Businesses now have a dedicated screening room. New recruitment barriers, war zones and workshops have been made, and new plans have been drawn up.

Big sale price

Vor dem Beginn des Umbaus plan das Augenoptikgeschäft nor een major Abverkaufsaktion. Since mid-October, it is in the Geschäft auf alle Brillenfassungen 50 Prozent Rabatt. From November 17th there will be a small opening ceremony at Stade Optik in the Rahmen with the knowledge that is new during the start.

Fear of the Zukunft-man who is not here – as the zahlreichen Konkurrenz, who angesiedelt-hat themselves in the lost years in Ellwangen. “Man must be with his or her knowledge, and with more service and support they will be able to function,” said Bopp-Seitzer. Wobei das alleine is not ausreiche.

“Wichtig ist for allem, dass man das, was man Kracht, mit Liebe Kracht”, said the Ellwanger Optikermeisterin, who could be a real tribal scholar. “Der Besuch bij Optiker is een bisschen wie een Besuch bij Friseur. That’s the end of my life. The relationships between people do not become enttäuscht.” Today’s personal motto: “Herzenssache sehen!”

Stade Optik: founded in 1963

Stade Optik was founded on January 3, 1963 by Helmut Stade. Ursprünglich in der Badgasse (heute: Baugenossenschaft) ansässig, zog das Geschäft 1986 in die Brauergasse 2 um. Angelika Bopp-Seitzer, who has completed her studies in the field of education, has completed her study of communication knowledge and English literature research in the field, has been completely independent in 2009 and who has been able to study the results of the study in 2014 Betrieb vom Ehepaar Stade. The Bopp-Seitzer team supports an intelligent team, with the best of both other Optikermeistern as well as two Gesellen and a Lehrling, for.