
Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: Mord an Blumenhändler – Angeklagter bestreitet Tat von 1992

Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: Mord an Blumenhändler – Angeklagter bestreitet Tat von 1992

Hamburg & Schleswig-Holstein
Mord an Blumenhändler – Angeklagter bestreitet Tat from 1992

A Hamburger Blumenhändler wird in de zener Wohnung ermordet. Die Polizei sichert Spuren. 32 Jahre später steht een Mann voor Gericht – en weist de Anklagevorwurf zurück.

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – On March 1992 in Hamburg-Horn a Blumenhändler in seiner Wohnung gotötet – more than 32 years of später stht der mutmaßliche Täter vor Gericht. The Staatsanwaltschaft wirft einem 53-Jährigen Mord aus Habgier vor. The Verteidigerin des Rumänen erklärt before the Criminal Chamber am Landgericht, ihr Mandant bestreite the Vorwurf, was in itself not before äusern.

Der Angeklagte soll damals zijnammen mit einem 60-Jährigen in dessen Wohnung im Stadtteil Horn Alcohol consumed haben. When one of the other devices is used, the man is more likely to have a rum flask on his head. There is talk of a schädelbasbruch. It took 60 years for a piece of fabric to be shaped in the schlafzimmer and pinched with a fabric material. With a bed sheet it is a safe experience. It is the Tageseinnahmen of the Blumenhändlers who sell the Living. The Beute soll 1500 bis 2000 D-Mark is betragen haben.

The more intensive Ermittlungen could that the dams would not be removed. In the following years the secret spurs-moremals erneut criminal technically analyzed, who the police in the grass 2023 not outsmart.

DNA searcher abroad

After a state-owned company filed a DNA hit report in Italy in May 2023. A European Haft Order can be executed. Der Mann, the Angaben zufolge schließlich im vergangen Oktober in Großbritannien festgenommen be. According to the authors, Birgit Woitas, soll there in Italian ways Diebstahls and other Delikt verurteilt besein, aber nicht roads er Gewalttat.

If you have a more usual process, it is one of the best Cold Case, which the representative of Alexandra Elek notes – and also a new experience in some Kriminalfall. The flower handler is homosexual and has a high degree of involvement with young men. Also his client was in the house. It is a matter of time, that is the age of 60. A Mord from Habgier was no longer read. A total delay after 20 years, a mord not.

In one of the scenarios after the treatise, the criticism of the war was aroused, the fall became so dangerous by the police, if she would be ripped off. “That is not the fall”, Elek concreted. Once it is that far, the State Attorney is busy with DNA traces in the tenants of the apartment, who speak for their Anwesenheit. It is not that you are a trace and the Tatwaffe, but a drink and a sacrifice. “There is no sexual contact”, the Defender declared. The argument is highly speculative. Only because the day-to-day intake of the flower dealer was not found, the Habgier’s murder mold was constructed.

Many people with dementia

The Criminal Chamber is a swingy Beweisaufnahme. Der Angeklagte bekam zum zum Prozessauftakt eine zweite Verteidigerin. Richterin Woitas wies darauf hin, dass vadere Zeugen schon to seien und other dementia. “It is always a smaller part of the Zeugen übrig”, says the Richterin. The first time the war happened was a retired Mordkommissar, who fought a war in 1992. Der 74 years ago, there is an autumn that does not exist.

An e-mail from the houses, in the course of time, can not be a single day in the night of the night in jeopardy. There are people who have received students in the Mitternacht of a Club-Besuch nach Hause, such as the Zeuge. When the main house is locked, there is a stamping and a poking. “Im Nachhinein betrachtet, war es vermutlich ein Kampfgeschehen”, said the 56-year-old.

The flower handler is very friendly. “It was an insulting mystery that he had homosexual tendencies,” says the Zeuge. The neighbour has had a great influence on the men. After the signaller has made a 60-year-old flower stand at the main station, there is another business. If the flower handler often goes home and rings the bell at the neighbouring barn in the high parterre, the house key is very nice, says the sea. Whoever of the 60s then in a house in the second half of the year, is not planning. “Many times he had the living key hidden under the footmat.” The neighbour has achieved the best results in his way.