
Erster Auftritt at HSV Hamburg: ex-TV star Andreas Türck wechselt zum Sport

Erster Auftritt at HSV Hamburg: ex-TV star Andreas Türck wechselt zum Sport

It’s time to make comebacks. Saturday is where Stefan Raab is more occupied, as he watches Boxkampf against Regina Halmich. Now Andreas Türck is back after his year of Pause – and black as Sports Moderator at Sports Streaming Provider DYN.

From 1998 to 2002 there was a war between 1998 and 2002. Moderators in the German Fernsehen – with their own talk show on ProSieben, who use their name. But 2004 made a steep Karriere one of the most unexpected events.

Vorwurf der Vergewaltigung: Türck wird freigesprochen

There is a Türck that is a Verfahren road through the previous vergewalting, which started with a free pruch in September 2005, after which the Staatsanwaltschaft itself tends to float and view the mutmatic opfers files. Even if the Moderator is present, he or she will enjoy their open life.

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The involvement as moderator at DYN is the second comeback Türcks. Between 2013 and 2017, he was a moderator of the broadcast “Abenteuer Leben” at Kabel Eins zurück. The athlete played in his German lies, when Türck played in the 1986/87 season, handball himself in the 2. Bundesliga at TuS Eintracht Wiesbaden. If a woman is her, the desire for the sport is not lost.

DYN Chef überzeugt: “Wird new Impulse Bringen”

“Handball war always has a great leadership role and the Möglichkeit, that is, with my long-term experience as a Moderator zu connect, is great. It seems that I played handball myself, and that I started exercising in the middle world without letting go,” said Türck, when he has the new free time. “You are active in the Handball field, especially in the Rolle des Moderators, so you will be able to do so as you live in the House.”

On September 15, the HBL-Spitzenspiel will start singing HSV Hamburg and Double-Sieger SC Magdeburg.

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But DYN CEO Andreas Heyden is certain that Türck wants to make improvements. “Cousin now a moderator and a better handball player with Andreas Türck a new Impulse infusion, from the handball fans at Dyn-profitable, under the leadership of the sport. The long term senderfahrung wird unsere Übertragungen inhaltlich bereichern. We are happy with our shared work.”