
Trotz Work-Life-Balance: These generations often suffer from burnout

Trotz Work-Life-Balance: These generations often suffer from burnout

Trotz Work-Life-Balance: These generations often suffer from burnout

Employees are flexible and the approach to reliability with a large private company. Dennoch has experienced half of the symptoms of burnout, says a problem.
photo alliance / Westend61 | alev

Faster than half of German workers have a good work-life balance, from 55 percent onwards they may be at a higher level with burnout symptoms.

Laut einer Protime- und Yougov-Studie schätzen 68 Prozent der Befragten flexible Arbeitszeiten. 81 Prozent would like to have a clear understanding of work and privacy.

There are many cross-border business and private activities, optimal cooperation and long-term collaboration with the company, said Protime CEO Gille Sebrechts.

More than half of Germans expect a good work-life balance. At the same time, 55 percent are currently struggling with burnout symptoms. If you have done a survey by Protime, there is an offer for Workforce Management Solutions, and the Meinungsforschungsinstitut Yougov is the boss.

Zwischen from May 23 and May 29, 2024 since 2048 Beschäftigte zu ihren Herausforderungen and Erwartungen im Arbeitsumfeld befragt befragt. The study carried out by Protime in the Auftrag-geben and by Yougov-mittels online interviews.

What is the flexibility and work-life balance?

The time of the time, the flexibility, work-life balance, is a way to invest and be private in the modern working world that is a great sin. So say two Thirds of the Skilled (68 Percent), that they estimate the possibility of more flexible working times.

Before everyone makes a positive contribution to a child’s development, it may be that a child is a flexible company that is flexible when it comes to an enterprise.

Flexible working hours for a healthy balance between stress and personal expenses, where the counterpart gets more control over the time spent. So think more about half of the expenses in your work-life balance as good (55 percent), where you can save 63 percent on child loss (51 percent).

It is said that this is 61 percent of seizures in the Arbeitszeit with your fairly balanced costs. 35 Prozent haben dahingehend greater Schwierigkeiten. Gleichzeitig wünschen sich 81 Prozent eine klare Trennung zischen Arbeit en Privatleben. If it is a siege, the length will be so great that the flexibility can also be extended on the Abgrenzung. Nur 16 Prozent lehnen eine klare Trennung von Privatem und Beruflichem eher or der vollig ab.

Reality: Burnout and stress as a result of stress

Despite the desire for a clear break from work and private life, another reality presents itself. If a Drittel (35 percent) drinks more than a Druck, he is in his place. Among generation Z (44 percent) and millennials (45 percent) they are affected.

Fast half (49 percent) have no problem, there are free emails to check. Zudem überprüfen 46 Prozent der Beschäftigten oft außerhalb der regular Arbeitszeiten arbeitsbezogene Nachrichten.

The Ergebnisse unserer Verdeutlichen end-reucksvolll, dass Flexibilität and clear Boundaries for a healthy Verhältnis zur Unerlässlich since.

Gille Sebrechts

CEO of Protime

The common follow? 55 percent is conveniently high burnout symptom, for all Millennials (63 percent) and Women (60 percent). The tax burden on 50 percent of the risks is that you can lose the hours or the freedom.

This is clearly meant for work-life balance

“The results have not been investigated in the final results, which flexibility and clear boundaries for a healthy work relationship are irreplaceable. According to Gille Sebrechts, CEO of Protime, one of the ways in which work-life boundary management plays out should be developed, but it is not the case that the right direction has been chosen, when it comes to cultural matters and practical work, an optimal management of boundaries.

Once you are in the time, the world recognizes that you have found the work-life balance and that the corporate structure is no longer in the interest of the entrepreneur. These things seem in the long term of the Unternehmens unerlässlich.