
Europa sucht Anschluss Von dpa-AFX

Europa sucht Anschluss Von dpa-AFX

BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) – Competition with the US and China, gigantic investments and that of the climate crisis: The European economy must have become more innovative after the view of the former Italian government and economic development leaders Mario Draghi, a cousin of the Anschluss zu verlosen. The EU has had an “existing re-examination”, which the 77-year-olds had written in one of the European Commission to appear in the published message for a year.

If his Wirtschaft did not become productive, he was swungen, the own Ansprüche and in Bezug auf Klimaschutz, the Detwicklung innovative technology or the own social model zurückzuschrauben. Europe is active in a static industrial structure, so the Wirtschaftswissenschaftler and the President of the European Central Bank (EZB). It is now being revived, the best industrial enterprises or new connected Wachstums-motors.

Europe is changing in the technology sector

In EU relations it would be possible that the Anschluss would turn into losers. So how long does another message last, the EU heads of state and government in Auftrag have started, fest levels: Während de Pro-Kopf-Wirtschaftsleistung in de USA in 1993 und 2022 om 60 Prozent gestiegen sei, habe der Anstieg in Europa weniger als 30 Prozent interden.

Draghi is now dying for everything in the technology sector back. “Europe has put an end to the successful production of products during the internet-digital revolution,” he said in his message. The EU is a new technology, which can yield a valuable Wachstum.

Milliardenschwere Investitionen nötig

Only 4 of the world’s 50 largest technology companies are European companies. There has never been a study of Draghi’s hereditary investments. If the growth of the EU Commission costs one of the best investments of 750 billion to 800 billion euros. You can use some climate-friendly technologies from the Wachstum in the European Union.

If we look at the Italian translation of the alternative strategy: “In 2040, millions of Arbeitnehmer vom Arbeitsmarkt were verschwinden.” This is the same for the world trade, and Europe has lost a favorable energy lover with Russia.

Peter Adrian, president of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, denies that energy prices are high, bureaucracy and a sliding digital transformation would be a bigger obstacle to more legality and abgebaut must be. Draghi has the right Botschaft.

Low of the Auto Industry “not rosy”

If the European Wirtschaft under Druck steht, says that it is clear in Germany’s largest Industry Zweig, der Autobranche. Volkswagen (ETR:) – Europe’s largest car manufacturer – what it’s like to see the sister cars of the successful Sparkurs at the core VW to move one more time.

Werkschließungen und Kündigungen stehen im Raum. Besides, the rest is the low age. “The encouragement in the automotive industry is a success,” says Anita Wölfl, vom Munich Ifo-Institut.

“The confirmations of work decisions are very worrying to me”, said the retired Industry Commissioner Thierry Breton of the “Handelsblatt”. The low of the branches are “not rosy”, it is not that they are scornful. Breton current of the crisis has disappeared, it is a European restoration that no longer exists, with the knowledge of the electromobility of the supersowers. There is more knowledge, “our know-how, our innovations and our legality to be preserved and to be retained”, for the French commissioner.

Wettbewerbsfähigkeit oben auf Tagesordnung

Europa’s Wettbewerbsfähigkeit ist longst in der Chefetage angekommen: “Es besteht ein breiter Konsens, dass dieses Thema ganz oben auf unserer Tagesordnung stehen and im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns stehen muss”, zei Kommissionspräsidentin Ursula von der Leyen bij der Vorstellung de s Berichten in Brussel. Eine Frage bleibt aber: Woher soll das ganze Geld kommen?

Historically, Draghi was praised in Europe and four times was invested in production investments from the private enterprise and the remaining function of the good results. Draghi focuses on the fact that the money of the EU state is kept in hand, a limitless financing project. When der Leyen said that the joint EU projects could unite with the financing of the EU states, they became more EU property rights.