
Boeing sichert Mechanikern 25 See more details – Streik noch nicht abgewendet – Wirtschaft

Boeing sichert Mechanikern 25 See more details – Streik noch nicht abgewendet – Wirtschaft

A few days after Kelly Ortberg got a new job as a U.S. Air Force contractor Boeing in August, it would be nice to see Jon Holden. There would be that there was a Boeing chef who had been busy for years, the local leader of the International Association of Machinists (IAM) would meet, the main activities of the Groups. Now it’s about everything: the IAM and the way the company has the power, the production at Boeing of the Freitag and the Lahmzulegen – and of course a woman is longer busy with all kinds of things, was the group that you could get.

Ortbergs Besuch and a Month Quasi-Nonstop-Verhandling in a Hotel in Seattle have now committed a violation with a number of special measures: The IAM has introduced a new tariff with Boeing. Over those periods during the Mitternacht in the Donnerstag it is possible to separate and the corporate structure of the company to check whether the organization can form a unit, or to be able to perform the concessions and the outsourced activities of the Vertragswerk.

The first time the Flugzeugmechaniker four years ago earned 25 percent more money, eleven percent who received such a bonus of 3000 US dollars at the end of September. If you regulate the regulations, it is so that the length of the bets is extended, viewed, calculated on the term over time 33 Perzent more Money. It is possible that there is more Klauseln, while other people have a higher tax on society, but not the geforderte backlash of a fixed interest rate.

The cost of shipping is so high that the new rates can be calculated for 16 years. The IAM price is 40 percent more money for all requested. Then, at two further intermediate rates, the company is feeling overwhelmed, because Boeing has a hot, final project with the long-term aircraft 777X or the 737 Maximum from the Puget Sound Region (Seattle and Umland) and cost-saving positions for lowers. It is not that an educational appeal has been made to the mechanic, but the mechanic must 787-Experience the program – it is a Mittlerweile-complett nach Charleston, South Carolina, imbibe. Entspchend light were the consequences of the declines a few years before those years, which weitergearbeitet in the Seattle region.

Anyone who now crosses the low threshold and under the pressure of Boeing, says that it is not that the absolute numbers, as one of the best, the long term of the bedding is no longer so good: Boeing obliges itself, the next new aircraft program am Puget Sound on the construction. “Boeing’s roots are here,” says Boeing Commercial Chief Stephanie Pope.

Die Zusage sichert Zehntausende Jobs in Seattle

The following program will take the following pages 737 Maximum-Series were. It is still unclear whether the project has started. After Boeing had received most of the hints from Boeing, so that the trade may no longer be market-conform, the European rival Airbus is no longer for sale. There are no more aircraft companies or leasing companies interested, if you do not want to buy both manufacturers at purchase transactions, so that you can not achieve other results. The time has Airbus on the market for short- and medium-length aircraft with two thirds of the additional assets. Boeing has developed the project for the middle of the 2030s – a new flight inward, which has a safe for eight years.

The task is not heavy for the Gewerkschaft now on the roads, but it is still a busy working place in the region. If you prevent this, Boeing can make the transition with Abzug status, and approach the IAM position.

Sollte Ortberg also uses large projects and rates with the IAM, so that they can come off when the world has a high price. The personal costs were higher and Boeing should reduce the flight costs. It works among other Airbus halves. Boeing has expected new stability and better production in the production – after the pans, which their peinlichen, a brief glimpse of verlaufen will be carried out at Alaska Airlines in January.

The Frage is aber ist, ob the Mechaniker at all sister. In Online-Foren schimpfen fell and traversed all Streiks. Boeing will feel better, the prosperity will die differently and the advertising will be billed.