
Four students were gründet, who prepared the table with millions of kilos of food

Four students were gründet, who prepared the table with millions of kilos of food

On the day that I was 25 years old, “Die Tafel Österreich” was founded by four studies from the Sozialakademie. Because the social organization in Wien zum Anlass was founded, there is a great political power that can lead maßnahmen to Lebensmittelverschwendung through the future. Then a Drittel aller Lebensmittel in Österreich was thrown away. Gleichzeitig leading beef zwölf Prozent der Bevölkerung – 1.1 Millionen Menschen – unter Ernährungsarmut, 420.000 sogar schwer, wie die Geschäftsführerin der Tafel Österreich, Alexandra Gruber, est. There is an öcological component: “Lebensmittelverschwendung verursacht bis zhnen Prozent aller Treibhausgasemissionen”, says Gruber.

In the 25 years that the organization has received more than one million kilos of living resources for the organization and provided 350 social institutions free of charge. Thus, 20 million pounds of CO2 equivalents were prepared and thus consumed by millions of kilograms of CO2 equivalents. Möglich would die, among other things, for 2,000 people, who suffered 400,000 deaths. In the last years that the beggars have been active, you can message the Geschäftsführerin. However: “The quality of life we ​​spend can be achieved well, so that our performance in our trade is optimized; They are their own Abverkaufsmechanisms, it is the AI. So weniger come as früher zu poorutsbetroffenen Menschen.”

If you do this it will be a problem. Young people can no longer do so little for the Ehrenamt-begeistern, my Gruber. The Teuerung is also a problem: “As we become more flexible, we will be able to spend money, since the spender is also affected by the Teuerung.” However, they will quickly change their lifestyle since 2019. Aber auch die Zahl der versorgten Personen is risegen: I vergangen Jahr versorgte the Table über 35.000 armutsbetroffen Menschen in 100 social Einrichtungen – a Zuwachs of 25 Prozent gegenüber 2022.

Criticism is given to the Verwendung des Wortes “Lebensmittelrettung” on advertising purposes. “The concept is often misused from our view. It is a marketing problem. If you have no trouble solving your problems, it is a matter of time. Business can have acquired a very attractive character.” For the selection of the table, among other things, sources of financing for the provision of loans to the agricultural sector, which offers a free enterprise in debt. A part of the parliamentary party is very involved, whereby all factions of the lungs in the camp can achieve a lifelong exchange. With the help of the ÖVP, all parties concerned with the lung function at the Ernährungsarmut can be heard.

Was founded in Austria by Lindsay Boswell of the European Food Bank Federation (FEBA) and Marco Koppe, Geschäftsführer of “Die Tafel Deutschland”. Die Tafel Deutschland employs 1.6 bis zwei Millionen Menschen. Dort entered into a sister collaboration in 2019 with the Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsministerium, a way to digitize. All major German Lebensmittel-Einzelhandelsketten see a sign,berichtete Koppe. Beim nördlichen Nachbarn geschehen zwei bis vier Prozent der Lebensmittelverschwendung in Einzelhandel. “In the Schritten that since eight-bis zehnmal so fell,” said Koppe.

Boswell, CEO of the FareShare war table organization until 2023, which has made the best decisions in Britain, the Verschwendung will be written to stop, aus. „There is no farmer who does not want his food to be eaten. Yes, farmers want to earn money. If a surplus of money – what is the cost to a farmer, that surplus of surplus?“, fragmented Boswell rhetoric. “If I have to deal with the different costs, my life will be there, while the builder makes another cost when it comes to a social enterprise.“ It is not a single lifestyle and not a single enterprise, an example of the production of concrete Boswell. 7,000 tons and lebensmitteln let years in Britain on this Weise gerett be.

Boswell wants to know that the end of the life cycle is not the end of economic security: “If you want to be recruited away at all for a lifetime, this is still not a problem.” All plays in a role in the development of the life transition.” Also about the pressure of the press conference on the improvement of the lifestyle. “I was very happy with the move, then minimieren wir the life transition.” Was proud of Boswells. If you agree, you can end up in the Table Box.