
Zum 16. Find out about the Asian Family Festival in Basel statt

Zum 16. Find out about the Asian Family Festival in Basel statt

Mouth party

  | Photo: Standortmarketing BS / Bettina Matthiessen

Photo: Standortmarketing BS / Bettina Matthiessen

On Saturday, September 14, the Mondfest will take place on the Basler Münsterplatz. This is the 16th. This traditional Asian family festival in Basel is celebrated. From 12 to 20 o’clock the audience will experience a colorful stage program, workshops as well as food and market stands. At 15:30 the stage program will start with an acrobat performance. Children’s choir, dance performances, traditional Chinese and Vietnamese music will follow. Make sure you notice the credibility of the air (photo) and the display of the mondkuchen and the children’s program. The entrance is free.

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