
Keine “rosige Lage” – EU-Kommission mischt sich in E-Auto-Debate ein

Keine “rosige Lage” – EU-Kommission mischt sich in E-Auto-Debate ein

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The EU Commission is getting involved in the E-Car debate. Customers are not out of reach. There is a new Förderung geben.

Brussels – Since 2016, the Federal Government of Electrical Vehicles with Mitteln has raised millions of euros. In December 2023 I came out for the sogenante Umwelt bonus. One of the immediately following wars is a war against the sales forces; der Anteil von Elektroautos und de Neuzulassungen lie nach. This means that – in combination with the price of the Chinese repairer – European repairer has been established and written. An article was created by the young turbo lenses of Volkswagen Konzern.

Little “pink” Low – Volkswagen Problem in Brussels

Mittlerweile has the European Commission of the Swirligkeiten, in the framework of the European Automobile Industry. The sector has its origins in a “not rosy” low, how the Industry Commissioner Thierry Breton thinks about it Trade Journal mitgeteilt. It is not that it is “beschönigen”. If you find the nerves greater, then you will have an “active company in the German car industry or here in Brussels, with Audi”.

Thierry Breton in Brussels.
Thierry Breton in Brussels (Symbol photo). The EU Commission is getting involved in the E-Car debate. Customers are not out of reach. Europe must achieve legality. © IMAGO / Fotonieuws/Bert Van Den Broucke

Breton sentence is that all roads a work closures provide. Europe must have the know-how, the innovation power and the legality must develop and maintain. I think that the reseller as a whole can no longer use the electromobility. The market is stagnating, Breton said. In 2023, electric cars will have made up 14.6 percent of the car market, in 2024 they will be 12.5 percent.

Hersteller schwenken bei Elektromobilität um – Habeck brings new power into the game

Although electromobility is as national as in the EU-Ebene of the American climbing protection, car repairers may exist longer, the first von Elektroautos in their portfolio deutlich is high in woolen. Das berüchtigte Verbrenner-Aus sollte Elektroautos noch more Schwung geben. Dann aber hatten mehr The car repairer is relatively ill. A Beispiel dafür is Volvo Cars from Sweden. Roads “changed market conditions” hatte Volvo das eigentlich Absatzziel korrigiert. There are hybrid cars with a large bone, which offers the “flexible” bleiben. Das hatte Volvo Anfang September mitgeteilt.

And in Germany, the sales rates for electric cars had sunk. Because Foreign Minister Robert Habeck (Grüne) has developed a new tax permit for electric cars, it is of a woolen nature. “We have offered a new driver for electric cars in the Wachstumsinitiative,” Habeck said in September.

Planning at Volkswagen – “Doppelmoral” and important Sparkurs

For Volkswagen, the E-Auto-Förderung is no longer coming: The groups can do that, it will be a spark that changes wool for a few years. Activities are now in the kitchen of the company, but it may take a few years before protective protection for the chicken is used. A program that is carried out by the group is being carried out.

This is a big criticism for mass criticism. On a not-offentlichen Betriebsversammlung from Volkswagen, Mitarbeiter de Vorstand ausgebuht and with Pfiffen begrüßt. “Hände weg von der Beschäftigungssicherung”, how the Mitarbeiter orders. There may be a ‘double standard’.

The stress at Volkswagen Konzern has influenced Friedrich Merz, CDU chief and opposition leader, to favor the plan. If VW becomes aware of the “sanierungsfall”, the underlying problem in economics politics dies. When it comes to political interests, the branches of the legislative body are single-minded, erklärte Merz. “That is why the Federal Government is endgültig, we will support it,” Mirror. Hessnes Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) will not be able to provide financing for VW more soon.

Elektromobilität noch nicht am Ende – “Nicht die erste Krise” for the automotive industry

For Anita Wölfl, expert at the Ifo Institutes, the low is courtesy. “It is not the first Krise, because of the Automobilindustrie durch muss”, it is clear from the news of the German Press Agency (dpa). With great support in the industry, economic development in the automotive industry is not an issue.

Allerdings have responded quickly to the German automotive industry in Sachen Elektromobilität. In the context of electrical equipment, German repairers have the problem, the production lines and the infrastructure of the construction industry, which are as well developed as the electrical vehicles are produced.