
Herbstauftakt in Beilstein: Start in den Herbst – Winzer since hoffnungsvoll

Herbstauftakt in Beilstein: Start in den Herbst – Winzer since hoffnungsvoll

Herbstauftakt in Beilstein: Start in den Herbst – Winzer since hoffnungsvoll

Fünf Selbstvermarkter and a Winzergenossenschaft start putting together the traditional Herbstauftakt in Beilstein. Photo: Werner Kuhnle

Ersten Trauben der Saison since an der Alten Kelter in Beilstein mit een historical Weinpresse von 1860 zum Rebensaft be pressed. The “Viertelesschlotzer” can be used during the analysis of the Weinkarte of the Winzer experiments.

“These good wines,” said Simon Gemmrich from the famous Beilsteiner Weingut and had a great look at the Behältnis with the first new Wein des Jahres. The Oechslegrad der Trauben is a gem and power Hoffnung on a high-quality “Beilsteiner 2024”. Allerdings käme fell on the evening of the evening, so Gemmrich continued.

The first time with the tractor can be a re-beige drive

Traditionally, the first Ernte from the church was brought to the Kelterplatz in Beilstein with the tractor trailer. If you have to explore the way, you have to go through a statistical development in the church. “But it was very feierlich”, Gemmrich finds. Provide a powerful, light load for the new Traubenernte at the Posaunenchor Beilstein.

Center on the Platz were two Geräte, which in the coming years will ensure that the splendid white and blue Trauben of the First Wine of the Season could be enjoyed. On the left are the Traubenmühle, the Australian wie a large Fass with a lawful green metal housing as Aufsatz. The inner life of the world is best in two walzen. “By this time the Beeren were ausgedrückt en von den Kernen berentnt”, thus the young Weinexperte.

By hand, the gemisch is brought from the bowl and the liquid to the Weinpresse. While you blow up a large amount of water during a hollow trip, you can put the pressure on a suitable holzplatten in the square on an angular place to prevent the damage and fly in the middle of the air for a while.

Those Rebsorts became more international

In those years there is an unusual Cuvée von Trauben aller Beilsteiner Weinmacher, also fünf Selbstvermarktern and der Genossenschaft Bottwartaler Winzer. “Es sind Reben vom Cabernet, Muscaris, Dornfelder und Müller-Thurgau dabei”, so Simon Gemmrich. Muscaris is relatively new and resistant to dying.

The areas became more diverse. /Oliver Buerkle

The number of quadruple slotzers on the sun-drenched Platz is not on the Kelter konnten, if you want, Wines from the local Weinmachern and in the local costs of the costs. If it is so far, then it is the sorting and the fact that the Reben in the years internationally travel. We find the früher in Württemberg the Trollinger/Lemberger- und Riesling/Silvaner-Mischungen. Statistics are the Weinkarte which is a Round Tour through the tradition throughout Rebsorten der Anbaugebiete verschiedener European Weinbaunationen.

Even though it was a tradition for traditional, traditional rotweinfreunde, those four white women in Angebot. The Bottwartaler Winzer has Grauburgunder in Angebot, the Weingut Kircher a Muskateller with Riesling, the Weingut Sankt Annagarten Riesling vom Gipskeuper and the Schlossgut Hohenbeilstein Cabernet blanc.

The uniform “pure” red wine supports the Weingut Gemmrich with the Lemberger. There are a few rosé wines and an apparent taste as “fruity” classified as a type of rosé wine called the muskusattrollinger rosé from Weingut Krohmer.

Landfrauen have no nachwuchssorgen

Zum suffigen Wein dürfen agile Speisen nicht fehlen. In the Swabian tradition, the ladies of the Landfrauen Beilstein Zwiebelkuchen and Kartoffelkuchen are backed. Otherwise, the Beilsteiner Landfrauen may not give others a nachwuchs machen. „We are happy to be alive, we are happy“, we are happy with Gerda Kern and her Mistreiterinnen.