
The Laupheimer works with the Brunnenfest during the summer

The Laupheimer works with the Brunnenfest during the summer

Fassanstich, Kinderspiele, Kulinarik, Musik und Tanz: Laupheim hat am Sonntag with tausenden Besucher sein Brunnenfest gefeiert. If the temperature does not exceed 40 years, you can view the best page and the holiday home with the guests.

The Laupheimer Association is happy to welcome guests

The young bird catches the worm, thinking that the visitors, who are ready to play the musical instruments of the Laupheimer City Musicians, are resident. Meeresgott Neptune thinks that it is good and no longer goes when the sun is shining. Most Laupheimer associations are busy with a program and a culinary cooking course for the Brunnenfest and the Leuten they present.

Premiere at Brunnenfest: OB Ingo Bergmann at Fassanstich.

Premiere at Brunnenfest: OB Ingo Bergmann at Fassanstich. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

At this time, Oberbürgermeister Ingo Bergmann and the Vorsitzende des Fördervereins für das Brunnenfest, Patrick Hannes, entered the stage on the Rathausvorplatz and welcomed the guests as Duo “Hannes und der Bürgermeister” during the premiere of the Fassanstichs.

The spritzt der Gerstensaft: OB Ingo Bergmann versenkt den Wechsel im Fass. Seine Leistung vom Heimatfest could not be found there at Brunnenfest.

The spritzt der Gerstensaft: OB Ingo Bergmann versenkt den Wechsel im Fass. Seine Leistung vom Heimatfest could not be found there at Brunnenfest. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

“We thank you, that so many have come”, said Patrick Hannes. The traditional flea market of the Verkehrs- and Verschönerungsvereins is the Brunnenfest in those years different if you have not started. The father place of the Platz in the Mittelstraße is intended for children’s games. Another new place is the second place, which is decorated for the hospital zum Heiligen Geest.

The Brunnenfests festival is the most popular

Another way to give a gift is the way the Wolf collection is used for welding. “There is only one Gründungsmitglied, that is not enough,” Hannes paints. Seit 20 Jahren stehe Beurer dem Förderverein with signal Expertise op Seite. “Oh, so a team wasn’t worth celebrating,” says the Vorsitzende. Dasselbe gelte for Stadt, Sponsoren and Vereine.

Patrick Hannes, Chairman of the Fördervereins for the Brunnenfest, congratulated Wolf Beurer on 20 years of Vereinsmitgliedschaft and provided an overview of a presentation.

Patrick Hannes, Chairman of the Fördervereins for the Brunnenfest, congratulated Wolf Beurer on 20 years of Vereinsmitgliedschaft and provided an overview of a presentation. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

While the Grenze summer and herbs is a party in the city, there is nothing of alleine, thanks to Ingo Bergmann all involved organizations. “The Brunnenfest is on the Kippe, but the new team is a gelungen, es in the Zukunft überführen”, so the Oberbürgermeister. Childhood is a spa and a good start for the next tag in the school and kindergarten.

The place in front of the stage near the town hall is worth visiting.

The place in front of the stage near the town hall is worth visiting. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

The OB can improve your Leistung in Fassanstich

Then there is the seriousness for the OB: After another “schwachen” Leistung beim diesjährigen Heimatfest – dort hat Bergmann beim Fassanstich fünf Schläge plus Nachsetzer benötigt, um den Wechsel ins Holzfass zu treiben – will there signal Ruf in Sachen “O’Zapft is” aufbessern. For the scherzhafte Aktion hat Stadtrat Martin Klotz das Beer ausgelobt. The performance-oriented performance scaffolding cannot leave the OB and thus remain in last place, plus Sicherheitszuschlag. „Der pressure was zu groß“, scherzt der OB später. The Zuschauer feiern de Gaudi-trotzdem.

The Jagdhornbläser-präsentieren den Besuchern ihr Können.

The Jagdhornbläser-präsentieren den Besuchern ihr Können. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Zur Mittagszeit schlängeln ich die Menschen in Scharen über das Veranstaltungsgelände. When you do this, Ecke is doing: On the stage in front of the senior center showing the Jagdhornbläser and the Zuschauern de Signale der Jagd. “That Jagdhörner lived in a certain time, if es noch keine Handys gab,” paints Alexander Schick. Lots of exciting information on the topic Hunting comes from Steffi Holder vom Hegering. Am Stand des Vereins gibt si Kindern een kleine Fährtenkunde. Regardless of whether or not it is in the Spuren in the hinterland of the Forest, a man can still feel a Knetabdruck.

Steffi Holder vom Hegeverein gibt besucher eine Fährtenkunde.

Steffi Holder vom Hegeverein gibt besucher eine Fährtenkunde. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

The Association can receive the invitations

For the Laupheimer Vereine, the Brunnenfest is a reformatory Möglichkeit, oneself present and also new Mitglieder zu won. The fact that the sports clubs are also players with a strong focus on children will help them grow better. The country is played as one of the offers that plays a game in the Renaissance among young people. “Those children and young people are not without long-term care,” says Thomas Bejga, president of the Association.

The Besucherandrang beim Schachclub provides good support for the Vorsitzenden Thomas Bejga (left) and Yaha Rahimi (right) and Nachwuchsspieler Amadeus.

The Besucherandrang beim Schachclub provides good support for the Vorsitzenden Thomas Bejga (left) and Yaha Rahimi (right) and Nachwuchsspieler Amadeus. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

A young woman finds her way at the Brunnenfest. So they will play in the year 2020 with a great Zigarrenclub. I’m standing on a Mann and see a “Stumpen”. Soul of the Society is the “Kulturgut Zigarre” in Gesellschaft zu genießen. “Wir fachsimpeln, uns aber über Gott und die Welt”, said Raphael Büchele. Einmal im Monat encounters those Zigarrenbegeisterten.

Your guest can try out one of the printing presses

However, there is a Blickfang on the printing press at Spitalhof, the model of Johannes Gutenberg nachempfunding. Betrieben sie vom Kißlegger Verein „Alte Printkunst“. Those who dare to try for themselves, bring the Bible verse John 3.16 to paper. “Wir wollen das Werk Gutenbergs und s Wort Gottes weitergeben”, paints Vereinsmitglied Udo Ray. Although it is a beef 49 from Gutenberg-Bibeln, the beef will be printed 180 Stück.

Udo Ray führt Besucher in de historic Anfänge des Buchdrucks ein.

Udo Ray führt Besucher in de historic Anfänge des Buchdrucks ein. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Kulinarik and Unterhaltung do not weld a single error

In cooking, the quality of the Wahl pushes the boundaries of the boundaries of the boundaries. From the delicious forelle with sausage, steak and spanish with the griechischen Fleischpießen bleibt beim Mittagessen kein Wunsch offen. And if the Auswahl is a Nachspeisen für den süßen Zahn, that is so.

It’s the best way to find the ghost. In front of the town hall, children can play on the bungee trampoline saltos or play at the Feyzinplatz in plastic balls. A highlight of childhood is the classroom, the cupboard stack.

A highlight for young players: Jumping on the bungee trampoline.

A highlight for young players: Jumping on the bungee trampoline. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Bereits Kult am Brunnenfest: Das Kistenstaplen in der Mittelstraße.

Bereits Kult am Brunnenfest: Das Kistenstaplen in der Mittelstraße. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Für Unterhaltung sogen mit ihren Showeinlagen auch the Passion Dance School, the Fechter des Karatevereins as well as the Sportschule Laupheim. Musical heizen of the Landsknechtszug Ellerbach-Freyberg and the two Bands In Motion and Two and a Half dem Publikum ein. At 3.30 pm you will spend the summer day in Laupheim and take care of your rain showers.

The children of the Passion Dance School watch a choreography.

The children of the Passion Dance School watch a choreography. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

The Landsknechtszug Ellerbach-Freyberg played in front of the Rathaus auf.

The Landsknechtszug Ellerbach-Freyberg played in front of the Rathaus auf. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Der Einzug der Landsknechte mit Trommeln en Fanfaren.

Der Einzug der Landsknechte mit Trommeln en Fanfaren. (Photo: Christian Reichl)

Patrick Hannes sees a positive summary: “Trotz Rain since the last few days, which are in their own right under the weather and in their own time.” Tomorrow you will see the roads of the festive Flohmarkts weniger weniger, which have different temperatures that the Brunnenfest jedoch vale Besucher protects . Positive comments about Hannes who spent their time on the stage for their holy spirit: “Wir müssen uns überlegen, wie wir vor de zweiten Bühne more Platz.“

The band Two and a Half plays with classical music for Unterhaltung.

The band Two and a Half plays with classical music for Unterhaltung. (Photo: Christian Reichl)