
Kiwanis is committed to caring for underprivileged children: Friends with partners

Kiwanis is committed to caring for underprivileged children: Friends with partners

When the Kiwanis Club Heilbronn was founded, the Kiwanis Club from the Heilbronn Partner City Frankfurt/Oder was brought together with the political Partner Club KC Adsum to celebrate its 20th anniversary at an anniversary in Heilbronn. In addition to a recommendation by Mayor Harry Mergel in the Heilbronn City Hall, the Stadtrundgänge, a festive evening meal in the Wein Villa, a wine tasting at the Genossenschaftskellerei Heilbronn and the visit to the Heilbronn Weindorf were on the visit programme. The price of a Riesling Spätlese from 2004 from the Altenberg fleet from the Clubs’ Gründungsjahr is high.

Steffen Schoch, chairman of the Kiwanis club Heilbronn Neckartal is one of the leaders of the Kiwanis club, who maintains contacts with the partners in Heilbronn about Kiwanis. So prepared Meeting between Heilbronn and Solothurn and now with Frankfurt/Oder statt. «Without giving a speech and organizing a community for the children’s club, so Steffen Schoch, for the club of a second war, those friends celebrated in the 20th club day together with the partner club KC Adsum from the Polish Zielona Gora in Heilbronn.

Schon beim ersten Rundgang through de Stadt-zeigten sich de Kiwanier in de herrlichstem Zomerwetter ef beeindruckt von Heilbronn. Beim Blick vom Hafenmarktturm erklärte Steffen Schoch the enormous Entwicklung Heilbronns in the past years. Professor Bogumila Burda, chairman of KC Adsum, is interested in the Bildungscampus and I am very happy! (Urban Innovation Hub), de Wissenschaft ganz niedrigschwelig z den Menschen Bringt. “If we could abscond, it was Heilbronn power,” thus the Hochschulprofessorin. With a look at the city in the town hall, Dr. Christina Jacob, who joined the Kiwanian and the museum director in Heilbronn in the city run «Heilbronn am Neckar – A city on the river. Of the Romans who walked his Bundesgartenschau and the road to the Neckars, he began the experiment and the run in the Neckarbogen of the Brandenburg-Polnische Group.

Selbstverständlich dares to make a decision in the great Genossenschaftskellerei Deutschlands nicht fehlen. Justin Kircher, who has joined Kiwanis-Mitglied in the KC Weinberger story, reported on the current situation of the economy, which described the way of the women of the Rebe as in glass and a natural konnten about a few things that could happen. It is clear that the price of a Riesling-spätlese from 2004 from Fleiner Altenberg, the Gründungsjahr of the Clubs, has increased. The first Schluck that the Gründungspräsidenten Hans Tobler received. The common Heidenheimer and current Geschäftsführer der Stadtwerke Dessau and Frankfurt/Oder hatte de Club nach westlichem Vorbild geblieben and ist ihm bis heute geblieben.

Oberbürgermeister Harry Mergel fulfilled the delegation in the Großen Saal of the historic Heilbronner Rathauses. “For a gilded Formel, Wissen schafft Wirtschaftskraft und door de Wirtschaftskraft entsteht Wohlstand”, so my Credo, it is a well-elaborated Bildern for IPAI, Bildungscampus, städtische Bildungs- und Kinderbetreuungsprojekten, Festen und der Innenstadt vernüpfte und over die enormous Unterstütz of Dieter Schwarz Stiftung bij de Entwicklung der Stadt-hinwies.

Dass Heilbronn is one of the last things we can do, the great team from our villa with the party under Beweis. One of the Besuch des Heilbronner Weindorfs genossen die Gäste sichtlich. “If only we could celebrate our anniversary here,” said Club Chairman Harald Schmidt from Frankfurt/Oder and the Heilbronner would like to celebrate his anniversary.