
“They are in good hands”: Candidates are welcome after Chauvi-Spruch and

“They are in good hands”: Candidates are welcome after Chauvi-Spruch and

After a provocation by Günther Jauch, the Candidate declared in Telse Bus that the “Who is a Millionaire?” moderator had a false address at his time. If there is no Jauchs Mansplaining Paroli, this could be a remarkable change. With result.

Telse Bus description zu Start your hours with “Wer wird Millionär?” as “northern in nature”. Die Hamburgerin hat in Groß-Fredenwalde in der Uckermark your Wahlheimat funds. “Frau Merkel has always lived in that Ecke,” he said. On the other hand, the food designer can say: “I have a bisschen finanziell zerstört.” Gunther Jauch darauf: “Alle finanziell Zerstörten land früher or später bei mir.” There is verse, “direct Abhilfe” you can purchase.

For an amount of 1,000 euros, the Telse Bus is the first Joker: “Was there a purchase made for the Gemütlichkeit in the garden?” Funkentasche, Glutbeutel, Flammentüte or Feuerkorb? The Pubikumsjoker can be bought for 99 percent. Answer D. Well done!

2,000 Euro wert: “Beim Couvade-Syndrom entwickeln Männer dieselben typicalen Symptom who …?” I am a pregnant woman, my pubescent daughter, her Dog after the castration, in your car? “Hm. Zocken?”, thought Telse Bus laut. Then you know for sure that the Joker is 50:50 and is focused on “his strange wife”.

Günther Jauch advises
the additional joker is correct

“I have read about my basic history in Kulinarik”, explain the Candidates, as well as more information about them profession the Food Designer wanted to know. So it was a good choice to imagine if that were not the case – if images of the lending would appear: a cash plan would come from the contacts of the British Prime Ministers Boris Johnsonanother who from Fujiyama, and another who told the chiefs Turm von Pisa dar. Telse Bus reasoned and drove and Jauch urged zum Weitersplayen.

“It is not possible to do anything other than what we have done professions weigh your Fall, was a Scherzo ist?” Fashion designer, Conductor, Fund Manager, Fechtlehrer? Who Answer war 8,000 Euro true. When a Mann in the function of the Zusatzjokers stands up, Jauch says in Blaue: “Das ist der Dirigent.” There are still guidelines. Ebenso der joker yourself, make sure the correct indication is given Answer war.

The 16,000-Euro-Frage setzte Fachwissen über Adelshäuser vorraus: “Wessen Siegel said a stylistic chrysanthemum theme with 16 Blütenblättern?” Kaiserin Sisi, King Willem-Alexander, Emperor Naruhito or King Camilla? “Poker or niece?”, Fragment sich Telse Bus. Darüber thought it would take so long. So long, that’s it Gunther Jauch – wenig ditent – zur Eile drängte: “Who entscheiden wir our jetzt? That’s To live muss yes weitergehen … Auch wenn es in der Uckermark zweilen stillzustehen shines.”

Jauch provoziert Kandidatin: “Erfolgreiche Frauen rode weniger”

The candidate’s tendency: Answer C. Dennoch does not want to have any risk and with 8,000 his Euro zufrieden geben. Then it may be that the moderator calls in the operator, you will see that there are no potential possibilities to separate here. So war is also: Your dentist said immediately, that she Answer not kenne. Peculiar woolen telephone box and it looks great, but now it is: “Oder pokere ich?”

The spontaneous activities amused the moderator and the audience in the studio. “I can do it now”, read it. If you want to know what, where, Jauch winked. “Now comes the best – it is right!”, Jauch said. What is the gap between the 32,000 euro prize: “Are both Hollywood stars never related?” Chris and Liam HemsworthDakota and Don JohnsonDiane and Michael Keaton or Charlie and Martin Sheen? The Candidates Made It Through Answer C, wollte dies and Jauch will die no more Answer.

“Erfolgreiche Frauen rode weniger”, provozierte Gunther Jauch roguishly. It is not possible for the Candidates to spread out any further. The reaction to the audience comes from the moderator: “Gleich das Podium gestürmt here.” But Telse Bus could stand alone: ​​”Hey, you made a mistake with the false air! Because ‘Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold’ – you have invented a type, which does not exist.” Applause! Jauch replied: “Are we sitting on the golden Chrysanthemum Throne?” Telse Bus replied, Women should be less attracted to Manner. “I have earned my money with Reason.”

Jauch responds with Mansplaining on the Risk Award of the Candidate: “Das geht nicht immer gut.” Telse Bus fand: “Man must learn to trust himself here, that is the great art of the stuhl.” Who wants to have the moderator of the letzte Wort: “Man must learn, we must recognize the boundaries in the right moment.” That is the Candidate who appears in the Anschluss. For 64,000 Euro war gefragt: “Were heir to Princess Li Si?” Pinocchio, Peter Pan, Jim Knopf or Huckleberry Finn?

Oxford Student Powers Up to 500 Euros

Telse Bus went with 32,000 Euro. You have on Peter Pan tipped. Correct goods Jim Knopf. Is the end of the emancipatory schlagabtauches versöhnliche? Die letzten Worte von Jauch were: “Frau Bus, ich weiß ja nicht, wie fell Sie in Ihrem To live has rightly authorized, aber heute: everything.” It spürte auch das Publikum and belohnte ihren Mut with fell Applause.

Kai Losert, Radio Moderator and Stadion-Sprecher aus Hof in Bayern, played to 16,000 Euro. Amtsanwältin Eva Ix trusts with intuition and field at the 8,000er Hurde on 500 Euro. Das gleiche Schicksal erlitt David Danin. Der Physicist and philosophy impressed Jauch mit seinem 1,0-Abi en Studium in Oxford. Fragmented war: “Do we work on December 75 and start a big ’75Live’ tour through Ganz Deutschland in May 2024?” Westernhagen, Grönemeyer, Maffay, Lindenberg?

Danin comes on a queen from the audience, but the Zusatzjoker loses the Grönemeyer and risks 16,000 Euro ins Tal on 500 Euro. Wanted was Westernhagen.

Raphael Standhaft from Henstedt-Ulzburg nahe Hamburg is Erzieher. There is a kommenden Montag weiterspielen. Then it is an amount of 1,000 euros. Seine joker without everything, nor without any doubt.