
Get started with Apple Intelligence

Get started with Apple Intelligence

At WWDC 2024, Apple could get its own intelligent intelligence with “Apple Intelligence”, which will work with OpenAI’s ChatGPT in the future. In the room of the event on the iPhone 16 version, go to Unternehmen now the official launch termin of the new software is available.

Get started with Apple Intelligence
Apple buys Apple Intelligence with OpenAI. Logo: Apple

Launches in the US from October

Apple released “Apple Intelligence” in October with iOS/iPadOS 18.1 and macOS 15.1 is unveiled. All services are now offered in the US and offered in English – and it is not possible to work with the complete functions, which are worth it. In this month, Apple plans a service from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the United Kingdom. In the year 2025, the support for Chinese, French, Japanese and Spanish should follow. It is unfortunate that German falls into this list. The perspective of the global distribution of the generated information is that it is not going well. Nutzer in the European Union blew out the unbestimmte Zeit of Apple Intelligence. Apple started thinking about data protection, in the EU by the GDPR, except strongly regulated – had fallen in the manchen on the nightly night of the nuts.

Comment: Nutzer said Unverständnis – zu Recht?

Obwohl das Apple-Event first wenige Stunden zurückliegt, äußern zahlreiche Nutzer, insonderere in social media, bereits massive Unverständnis. Check out the rendering of Google’s KI-Anwendung Gemini, which has appeared on the new Pixel-9 models in the EU version. On Google and other websites that have been affected by regulations, they have been omitted.

A nutzer is coming, Apple with a Boycott of the new “abzustrafen” and stattdessen in all his other devices. If you are a well-considered repairer, the man acts so well that he gets a legal legal court. Personally, it may be that you can use hardware, which is viewed by Apple Intelligence, the service in your active form can no longer cost any effort.