
375 Euro Penalty for those who are missed

375 Euro Penalty for those who are missed

  1. tz
  2. Consumer

France looks forward to the wartime on the highways by the Maut will be as small as possible. The principle of the Free-Flow-Maut will be carried out bare.

Paris – If you are on the motorways in France, you often have to stop at the toll station with my plan. More and more errors will occur before the further Fahrt can develop. If you want towpaths often come with a traffic jam. Nevertheless, a private initiative has been taken in France with the digital Free-Flow-Maut.

Keine Wartezeit: This is how the Free-Flow-Maut works in France

The Maut system on European roads no longer works. On French motorways, the height of the Maut after the driven route is based on the ADAC. Bisher must pay the bet and Maut-Häuschen. The active Maut system is no longer available, set up a place and set. Statistics can make electronic scanning and the distribution of Maut digital binoculars possible. In Germany, the system is available for LKWs, described by the Center for European Consumer Protection.

Letzte Mautstation at the end of the A81 Direction Rennes from Le Mans from here.
Stau durch Maut-Zahlungen sollen kaal Verleidingenheit sein © Klaus W. Schmidt/Imago

The end of the disturbance in the interior of 72 has been reached. The Bezahlung can be carried out online by credit card or in a bar or in a nearby city or in a Tabakladen. It is best to follow the procedure, an automatic takeover of the desired time.

If the Free-Flow-Maut no longer works, a Mahnung with the Zahlungsaufforderung will be available. These can have a Strafgebuhr effect. If the Zahlung nicht innerhalb von 2 Weeks follows, then 90 Euro will be refunded. Sollte nach 2 Monaten immer noch nicht bezahlt beseiin, die Staff auf satte 375 Euro.

Full digital display of the Maut in France planned for the following years

The following gold plated Free-Flow-Maut options are:

  • A4: Saarbrücken – Metz, Ausfahrt Nr. 36 Boulay
  • A13/A14: Paris – Caen (teilweise)
  • A79: Montmarault – Digoin

Available June 2024 The system is on the A13/A14 from Paris towards Normandy. The full display of the A13/A14 on a digital system is installed for this month a year later, who CHIP reported. The A69 near Toulouse and the A40 near Geneva are monitored as follows. In the coming years, the French toll collection by the ADAC will be carried out on a digital system were restructured. Croatia too is going bald with a new toll system. (nr)