
Kochsalzhaltige Nasentropfen kürzen Erkältungen bei Kindern

Kochsalzhaltige Nasentropfen kürzen Erkältungen bei Kindern

With the onset of debt and kindergarten, the daycare fahrt can begin. Children and children with one of the last virus infections, an infection of the world, and with rhinovires or coronavires, can die quickly. “Children are born with 10 to 12 infections of the upper population, which is normal for their health, for years to come, for their families to have a large tax burden,” with Steve Cunningham from the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People Edinburgh in Germany placed.

Children have a longer duration of illness than adults, with a cut of 1.8 weeks. A new study, conducted by Cunningham at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Congress in Vienna, has provided the explanation of hypertonic hypertonic nasal congestion by pediatric research. It is very important: the use of such nasal congestion can produce one of two experiences.

Hypertonic Salzösungen enthalten dabei höheren Anteil and gelösten Salzen as isotonic Salzlösungen. Isoton heißt, that is the Salzgehalt jenem entspricht, of the normal amount in the Zellen and the Flussigkeiten des Körpers vorherrscht (0.9 Prozent). In hypertonous Salzlösungen the Salzgehalt hinges higher with 3 Prozent. More water is available for a transparent Salzgehalt of 3.5 percent.

Positive effect of salt-containing substances

Because the consequence and correction of the salzhaltige nasentropfen have a positive influence, it is the Wiener Kinderarzt Peter Voitl princess. “The previous recognition is not a valid one, nor is it a special experience, that the health benefits are a healthy one, the hyperton is.” der Kinderarzt Alexander Möeller from the Universitätskinderspital Zürich.

The classic abschwellenden sprays are often not suitable for small children, we will probably not use empfohlen in the future. “Dementias are caused by these hypertonic salty sprays, which offer the same alternative, as the zurückgegriffen can be”, says Voitl.

Sanfte, natural Abschwellung

You can use the device in the washing machine and the cleaning mechanism of the flash. Nasensekret can not disappear, a blocked Nasenatmung is the next, which is carried out on his Krankheitsgefühl. Hypertonic Sprays provide a natural, clean abschwelling and are suitable for shaving. “Such problems can occur if the keinesweg itself is restored. Products from the pharmacy with the correct forms are here Vorrang zu geben”, says Voitl.

The messages from the study come from the family, while the children with salzhaltige nasentropfen receive attention, deutlich weniger Angehörige ebenfalls Erkältungssymptoom aufwiesen. Genauer gesagt 41 Prozent, zu 61 Prozent in der Kontrollgruppe. If you have a single Grund, Voitl meint: “If you are freer, even if you are not blocked, you should not sneeze much. While you do not relate to the Viren im Raum, and we are in the Nähe der Erkranken Kinderbefindet, a higher dose is of course abated.”

The children’s concrete is sensible in correcting the nasenpflege. “Wichtig: Nicht mit dem Nasenstaubsauger das Sekret mobilisieren, das regt eher die Production en”, rät Voitl. “Weitere Möglichkeiten zur Symptomlinderung bei Kältungen sind fiebersenkende Medikamente, when the high temperature is best when the temperature rises. For your own home, you can prepare them properly. Gilded: General for well-being and happiness, that the child is alive and well. The temperature is low in the depths.”