
Is the Time of Milkweed a Thing of the Past?

Is the Time of Milkweed a Thing of the Past?

Anyway, on another level: Is the time of the Milchkühe over?

Photos Marzena Skubatz

A Swiss sets in Berlin right cheese hair – in Labor. There is a 100 million euro water in the question, which will help us in the future.

Milk cow is a problem. If you mix with the land and the methane from a gas, the more harmful for the climate is as CO2. For the world where it is best, man can look at the kitchen as a utility display. It is a bit of abolishment.

Raffael Wohlgensinger, 30 years old, from Zurich, is working there. Real products are produced, on a different level. A cousin on an Alp in Switzerland, located in the Startup in Berlin. At the moment, milk proteins are processed and realized in the work. The result is a product, the vegan is a proud one that resembles the original version.

Raffael Wohlgensinger.

Raffael Wohlgensinger.


Have fun changing the kitchen and changing the assortments. If you buy a Formo product in Germany, you can do this. It is the first time that a worker comes to the European market.

Formo hat kühne Ziele. “We will make the largest production of the world,” said the Gründer Raffael Wohlgensinger.

The Ansage is a fear for the traditional cheese industry: the global market is estimated at 160 billion francs. Demgegenüber stehen weltweit knapp neunzig Startups, de Käse of Milch aus dem Labor regener.

Manufacturer plays Gott

The startups are some of the most common trends in the industry. If there is no more laboratory, or in vitro meat and eggs with the help of the cell culture, the damage and the environment die to reduce. The economic development of the original agriculture is bad: In Switzerland it is worth making the Federal Office for the Environment responsible for 15 percent of the national Treibhausgasemissions, but it is already estimated at 25 percent. Startups with a formal problem could cause a huge emission of emissions.

The retellers play with gewermass Gott: They experiment with genetic building stones and enzymes, a nature in the work nachzubauen. The kitchen and kitchen utensils can have a good, healthy and climate-friendly effect.

Investors have been keeping up the story for a long time. In 2021, the Good Food Institute won $5 billion in the number of alternative proteins. Make sure the food base contains Lebensmittel (1.9 million), fermented products (1.7 million) and cultivated meat (1.4 million).

Auch Raffael Wohlgensingers Startup Formo comes from Geldgeber. Letzte Woche konnte esch in two Finanzierungsrunde 55 Millionen Euro certainty. The investors are affiliated with the German Handelsgruppe Rewe and Risikokapitalgeber from the goose world.

There are no things that can help the biotechnologists and their investors. Bauern sees in the startups a company for their company. Ecologists miss the sustainability of the companies. And the management stops with the supervisor.

And then there is the matter of consumers and consumer products: where would the mass kitchen, eggs, fish and meat be essential, if the labor were in disarray? Is the Goose still a science fiction game for the vegan in the supermarket?

What, when did it work?

Formo has settled in the former East Harbor in Berlin, in another Klinkerstein building with a view of the Spree. When the agency deals with a man who has founded a startup: a few fun ping-pong games, a writing plan is one of the best plans. A young woman in the employment office and with Haarnetz jauchzt her collegen zu. “It’s launch week, you know,” he said. The week of the market introduction. It is important to know that it is a long form of clothing.

Traditietrifft Moderne: Im ehemaligen Berliner Osthafen tüftelt Formo am Käse der Zukunft.

Traditietrifft Moderne: Im ehemaligen Berliner Osthafen tüftelt Formo am Käse der Zukunft.

The Gründer Raffael Wohlgensinger is working in Zürcher Weinland on a study at the Universität St. Gallen Internationales Management. Nach Berlin is over, weil man here gross thinke, says there. «In der Schweiz ask sie dich: Was it not functional? In Berlin ask: Was, wenn doch?»

Wohlgensinger gründete Formo, weil there as a Vegan not on Kase views wolllte, the pflanzlichen Alternatives ihm aber auch nicht schmeckten. The war of 2019. A year later, Roman Plewka, 32 years old, day. Think of it as an unternehmen-gemeinsam.

Roman Plewka.

It has been years since Formo and Grundlagen were founded, but there can be a noticeable oddity. Then the first financing round was for three years and Formo cost 42 million euros. No European Food Startup has made so much money. The interest is schlagartig.

There is a war going on at the time when the Meat and Milk Alternatives Boom has been experienced. In the US, Beyond Meat is hating on a reseller of vegan meat products, a repulsive suggestion for a product to be sold at Walmart and McDonald’s. In Sweden, Company Oatly has again launched a hafer drink, from which the vegan cappuccinos were chickened, and in Switzerland, Planted Foods has developed a meat alternative based on Erbsenprotein.

Formo’s employment agency could now call the Investors “the next big thing.”

Everything is possible, the willingness fails

If you reformulate this, make sure that the DNA of the cow and the genetic blueprints in the genome of bacteria, pilsen and hefen are not formed. The process takes place through precision fermentation. The new programs of microorganisms are fed into the fermentation of oxygen, dairy and other nutrients. In order to achieve this, the milk protein cheese is used, which is worked on in further slices of cheese.

The result is a story, for the recovery there is a small kühe-braucht, which is an imitation of the fruit-hersatzmitteln with soybeans or cashew nuts. Der Käse, sagen die Gründer, weise dieselbenproperties und Nährstoffe auf wie das tierische Original.

De Präzisionsfermentation ermöglicht es, Käse herzustellen, der vom tierischen Original nicht zu unterscheiden ist.

When the Sache takes a bite: Cheese from Labor is not for the salesmen. Because the genetic repair of the organisms comes through the einsatz, the European Union is a new ‘new food’, a new way of life. One of these things is a willingness.

The authorities who share this consent are in Parma, Italy, in the heart of the Rohschinkenland. If you want to see the laboratories – and you don’t – there is no one there. Roman Plewka, the co-manager of Formo, said: “The process has been set up and can take years. We are not entitled to a divorce before 2026.”

If the Grund production runs parallel to a Käse mithilfe von Mikrofermentation, a Verfahren, with the auch Sauerteigbrot gebacken and Bier gebraut wird. Formo uses Koji-Pilze and gives the fresh or Camembert hair, which makes the original in the packaging stunningly clear. If no manipulation takes place, the products are sold. New years are spent in Switzerland.

The founder Raffael Wohlgensinger hofft, bald and Kase from the precision fermentation sales to dare. It is said: “From an ethical point of view we see no problem damned.” If you get a product, you can reset the insulin in the dosing device.

If life is essential, the technically changing organisms will develop, these are other things. This is now the case in the other federal states. In Singapore for example: Supermarket-sold chicken nuggets from gezüchtetem Pouletfleisch. In Canada, the Israeli startup Remilk has begun to build a money market for its free Milcheiweiss business. In the United States, one of the most common turtle trees has emerged. In the Swiss direction that is in the EU: A technical change can be made to the product.

The retail is interesting. The Migros invest a few years in the Israeli startups Aleph Farms and Supermeat, who are working on the development of in-vitro-fleisch-arbeiten. If you know: “These products are a German product of Klimabilanz, that is, it does not contain a massive treatment and no antibiotic treatment.”

The Vegi-Boom is predestined

Do you want to give all experiments a profitable enterprise? No project in Europe has taken this step. And if the Zulassungen are one of the following sollten, the consumers are separated over the economic success. If you are new to a new concept, go to the Umsatz. If you are interested in interest, it can be easier to sink. In a certain industry, the Stimmung is broken down faster at the Lebensmitteln.

Was a passion then, said it was time to distort the products like that. The Hafermilchherstellers Oatly stock, which is sold at a whopper of 28 dollars after the launch in May 2021, is trading for 87 cents. If you save a Beyond Meat, this is no longer possible. It is necessary for the external to report and report. Since the stock market launch, the stock has lost more than 90 percent of its value.

To explain the desire, both companies say to the consumers. These were due to high inflation, the higher the costs, the higher the production can also increase. Lobby groups are so created that they can use the inhalant of shaving.

Man can say to a German: man trinken weiterhin lieber Kuhl-als Hafermilch. Vielen Fleischessern schmecken Sojaschnitzel und Erbsenburger nicht, or sie setzen sich aus Prinzip nicht damit auseinander.

The Vegi Industry’s Euphoria: It’s a Serious Reality

Unbelievable without any insects

So more fragment itself, who insults the Consumers for Food from the Labor are. The Gottlieb-Duttweiler-Institut has done a year of research: Two thirds of the Swiss are for an uncontrolled research, that in vitro-Fleisch is examined. Unbelievable that the workers now have no more medicines and coffee, while the Pilzen machine is working.

It can also happen that the employees from the labor in the big country are still sold in the supermarket – and bought – are. Entscheidingend is indicated on the price. And that Formo is in an opaque legal process. The Cheese of the Startups competes with the products of the grim subsidies of Milchproduzenten. “If we had had a woolen life a long time ago, we could live at this level,” said Roman Plewka.

And then, maybe, in one of the cases, Formo’s vision could be. If the product is bought again in the price or in the packaging of a real product, then it could be that the mild products are sold. And that was so much freer that it would become a little bit more.

It is not clear that the products you once bought were invested in the fermentation of products that have become worth billions of dollars.

And the idea that nature does its work in labor is one of the many other things Wunsch has to offer.

The vegan camembert is deliciously original.

The vegan camembert is deliciously original.