
Who Hotels das Verhalten is Urlaubsgäste beim Buffetsteuern

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A Fachmann for gastronomy has discovered the myths of the great Essen – and which hotels in their guest house through the arrangement of the speisenmanipulation.

The Hauptreisezeit tends to be all right in this case. We got a hint from other people in the summer months – and the entire city of Essen in Urlaub – nor for their lives. Whether it’s Pasta, Paella, Moussaka or Pancakes: We live in a hotel, have a great experience with our whole family, and can also enjoy an all-inclusive buffet with a delicious buffet.

All-you-can-eat, also fell Essen, who is the human – and that is a relative price. Are there hotels that can make these Angebots profitable? BuzzFeed News Germany by IPPEN MEDIA how this question was posed by gastronomy experts Gabriel Laeis from the International University of Applied Sciences (IU).

Frühstücksbuffet in a hotel
So look out for the classic buffet in a restaurant. © VWPics/IMAGO

“Hotels are conscious of their buffet design in terms of customer relations”

Laeis is a professor for hospitality and focuses mainly on the themes of food and sustainability. If you want to know which hotels you can use, tricks are used that include waiters at drinks. It is not possible to use trickery, but it is so BuzzFeed News Germany. This is a good reason: “Many hotels enjoy the buffet design under the impression of the guests’ attitudes. He calls it a “nudge”. Many hotels have probably become smaller Teller or Gläser, this is not the case.

“The end of the day, the life-saving impact of the buffet will soon be over,” said Weiß Laeis. If you are a good hotelier or if you are a good hotel restaurant chef, you will always be present at the buffet. “If a hotel has a well-oriented hotel and a high quality, then it is the best choice to let all guests enjoy the right purpose,” so der Hotel-Experte. Deshalb seien Hotel buffets are always well balanced: Fish, Fleisch and Vegetarian/Vegan are often abnormal options.

If hotels and buffets are designed like this, it is so that people serve a saturated carbohydrate-poor under the first time of the beef fillet, that is a mythical myth. “At the buffet, guests can always see what everything is going on and many times they can eat and drink”, according to Laeis. “The guest, the hotels may be a party, but they offer the best service for the potato soup and spare less for the fish.”

An expert knows that Tricks Hotels are offered at the buffet.
First the Nudeln or the Fleisch? Am Buffet Müssen wir vale Entscheidungen meet. © blickwinkel/IMAGO

Expert: Hotel buffets are not offered “abgegrasted”

For hotels it is more important that your buffets are not “abgegrasted”. “In the 80s and 90s there are people who are busy in shopping businesses, when a Buffet with its Dritteln learns war and then a fresh Schüssel is introduced here and the rest of the speisen is organized. Today white man is better and useful substantially smaller contents, which man dispenses. ” So see the Buffet under “adrett” out and it was a little thrown away.

There is no information about travel advice (so who is here for a travel pharmacy): “We are more than happy with our person, we would like to stay at the Hotel Buffet,” says the Professor for Gastgewerbe. The best is: Wählen Sie ber ein smalls Hotel, das local Gerichte anbietet and dessen Fotos nicht zu alles verschiedene Produkte zeeeigen. “That man is not different from his own skin, without his own skin and his own skin,” says Laeis. BuzzFeed News Germany.