
Groups from all over the world

Groups from all over the world

Magdeburg – I started at the beginning of my life International Choir Festival in Magdeburg. Loaded comes from Saxony-Anhalt – and the whole world.

Das Internationale Chorfest plays a buntes Rahmenprogramm in Magdeburg.

Das Internationale Chorfest plays a buntes Rahmenprogramm in Magdeburg. © Internationales Chorfest/Viktoria Kühne

From 11. to 15. September we will be in the Elbestadt wieder Chorgesang in Mittelpunkt. Under the motto “Find a new way – find new ways” said in 35 Chöre aus der gezen Welt ihr Können.

The program is displayed as follows: After the Opening Concert on Mittwoch, a new format will be displayed with “Sing’n’Drink”, at most bars on the Magdeburger Hasselbachplatz on the Türen-offnen and the Erklingen-lassen.

On Thursday everything is in the tradition of traditional choir music with performances in the cathedral and the monastery of Our Lady. Saturday takes the form of the “Hop on, hop off” short programme and the “Long Night of the Chorus” is the highlight on Wednesday.

Eine Stadt Fuller Feste: Experience the joy of living in Magdeburg
Magdeburg Veranstaltungen & Freizeit
Eine Stadt Fuller Feste: Experience the joy of living in Magdeburg

Abgerundet with the program by the Freundschaftskonzerte of Schulchören, Mitmach-Workshops, an interactive family program that is of course the International Chorwettbewerb am Sonntag. And that’s the best thing: Always change your life since you spend so much money!

No, no, no, no Saxony-Anhalt I have seen the groups from Denmark, Finland, Ghana and Croatia. The generated program and tickets can be found at Website of the Feasts.