
Was Oktoberfest 2024 erasing sparrows?

Was Oktoberfest 2024 erasing sparrows?

How does the opening begin?

Die Zelte öffnen am Samstag is a new Uhr. If you visit a beautiful place, you can enjoy the food of the friends: With pleasant and tasty treats, you can see the gastronomy from 10.45 am to the festival day. The time has passed since the traditional celebration of the Schottenhamel festival: The Münchner Oberbürgermeister, the Dieter Reiter (SPD), was proud of the first Fass an – then it was: “O’zapft is!” The first Maß was born freely by the Bayerischen Minister President Markus Soder (CSU).

What are the opening hours?

It is one of the things that is a new Uhr, and the Wochenenden who use the German Einheit, will find a new Uhr – then a beer will be offered. The letzte Maß in the big Festzelten starts at 22:30, then the music ends, at 23:30 the music ends. If you use the Käfer-Wiesn-Schänke and Kufflers Weinzelt, this can become an Uhr-gefeiert. Driving and sales stands close at 24 o’clock.

With two songs: Dieter Reiter with traditional Fassanstich in Schottenhamel-Festzelt im Jahr 2023
With two songs: Dieter Reiter with traditional Fassanstich in Schottenhamel-Festzelt im Jahr 2023dpa

Was erwartet mich auf der Wiesn?

Rund 40 Festzelte, dazu zahlreiche Buden and Verkaufsstandde, aber auch more as 100 Schausteller and Fahrgeschäfte anyway fast 200 Marktkaufleute. While Sonntag finds one of the Trachten- und Schützenzug-statt, I am two Sonntag das Platzkonzert der Wiesnwirte voor der Bavarians.

Want to celebrate Oktoberfest?

The celebration started in 1810 with the high age of King Ludwig I. and Prince Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen statt. After a short period of time in the city, we were happy to celebrate with great pleasure. Roads of the large companies will focus on the Landwirtschaftliche Verein in Bayern in the following years abermals aus. 1872 Wurde es in de September vorverlegt – weg des (meistens) besseren Wetters.

How do I get here?

The direct route to the U-Bahn station Theresienwiese (U5). It can all be so. Around the Theresienwiese are new stations, which will disappear in a few minutes. The paths to the Festwiese are painted. The direct journey by car is not possible, the street is a party for car traffic blocked – better to leave a Park-and-Ride parking lot at the city edge and drive to the meadow with the public transport. A gelände is one of the more taxi collection points.

How much does the driveway cost?

It is not that the food of the Oktoberfest at the party is free of charge. Ausnahme is the Oide Wiesn, a smaller Bereich on the southern side of the Theresienwiese. Here you will find no historical historical events and knots. If the Oidn has it, it is a tradition and tradition that we go to believe in the faith of the family. The entry costs four euros per person, children up to 14 years of age not more. Insbesonder de drive is auf der Oidn Wiesn but deutlich günstiger than auf dem restlichen Festgelände.

Was I brave enough to enjoy it?

Bags and backpacks last a volume of high liters, the masses 20 mal 15 mal 10 Zentimeter do not cross. Glass bottles that have not been used are not gas juice with dirty contents, hip, stowage or stick weapons. That is golden for Trachtenmesser. From 18 o’clock I went on Saturday and on October 3 was golden a pram ban.

Was it possible to be a man with children?

For children and families there are many opportunities and attractions in the cradle – on the playing field of the Flohzirkus or the Kasperltheater. Recommendation is a visit under the week, when a little crowd is rehearsed. Sundays are in the family family, many children and friends are underpriced for children. Lunches are used in some cases at the Sunday meadows in a licensed Offer. On the Familienplatz it is possible to receive friendly people and a Wickelraum, but we can give your Service Center a hint of the Schottenhamel Festival – this is a Stillraum.

Do I have to wear a costume?

No. It is a fact that the Tragen of the Tracht at the Oktoberfest are a more modern trend. You can see what you should. For the party on the beer bench you wear flat shoes, besides they are robust fabrics: you should go for a beer shower in the fall. If you want to use a dirndl or a type of leather, you can get it out of the air in the right way: hoses with leather or dirndl from the buttocks polyester fabrics that you can find in Bavaria as a policy.

Blasmusiker gehen vor dem Riesenrad über de Festplatz.
Blasmusiker gehen vor dem Riesenrad über de Festplatz.dpa

Who should cross the Dirndlschleife?

Manche Women make with their Dirndlschleife in their Beziehungsstatus recognizable. Tie the Trägerin – if your perspective – see left, the Single, wer right heißt vergeben. With the tragedy of Schleife we ​​hint that we are dealing with Waitresses. But: Here you do not even deal an official soul or to enlighten Brauch. Women can withdraw from their personal status in their lives, while they can flirt – and flirt on the rules of the general rules.

Which label is in Bierzelt?

Tanning on the Tischen is no longer possible – the ways of selling through the dort-abjestellten beer jug. The Schluck beer, in Bavarian Volksmund and as “Noagerl”, is the last man in Krug. Gezahlt in de Regel nicht am Ende, let it go after deleting the jewelry order. Das “Exen”, also Leertrinken eines Masskrugs, ohne ihn abzusetzen, führt in eeninigen Zelten zum Rauswurf. At all: Trinken Sie nicht zu schnell und nicht zu fell. Buy yourself a good Grundlage and essence Sie etwas!

Do I need a spare?

No stipulation. Die Wiesnwirte sind verpflichtet, part van de Tische für Gäste ohne Reservierung frei zu halten. After the week it is possible to find a place in smaller groups. Aber: Bei major changes are that they are alive – it is a matter of living or at the end of the day. Then the Eintritt nur noch met Reservierung möglich. If we remember correctly, you can join the festive festivities in the beer garden.

Wollen sich am ersten Festtag een gratis Tisch sichern: Besucher stürmen 2023 nach der Eröffnung des Geländes auf die Festwiese.
Wollen sich am ersten Festtag een gratis Tisch sichern: Besucher stürmen 2023 nach der Eröffnung des Geländes auf die Festwiese.dpa

Should I consider a reservation?

There is a reservation form available if you go directly to the website, such as the operating system on the websites. A reservation is intended for a whole beziehungsweise group of eight of these people and a combination of the Midday meal or for the Evening. You cannot reserve individual places. The reservation costs nothing, but you can buy many more scorching products – as a rule two large beers and a hen per person. The Gutscheine feeling during the Oktoberfest is a few months ago in the Gaststatten der Festwirte. Shortly before the start of the festival only a few free tables are given – all things were always among the reservations canceled. For an overview of the bets: Ready-made reservations must be returned via the portal Were there other platforms for a reservation, riskier, but not a permanent solution.

How much did the beer cost?

The price for the Maß Bier is between 13.60 and 15.30 Euro – and the price is above the mark of 15 Euro. In the meantime, you will spend between 12.60 Euro and 14.90 Euro respectively. Alcohol-free is a danger: Wasser is used for a zehn, Spezi for a double euro. The party fee is one of the costs you incur to Trinkwasserspender.

It’s so much fun. Muss da wirklich Trinkgeld signal?

It is a fact that the prices of a Trinkgeld file are one of the most common components of the power of the power. If you want to place an immediate order, it is best to charge the costs, while the rest of the day no longer continues to spend the money, if you spend money.

Do I even dare to hold the Krug?

No, the Krug is not included – we are happy here, a souvenir is a gift from Diebstahl. The money catalogue loses a geldbuße of 360 days or a Freiheitsstraf of a year long – there are more claims than more rights. Other: If Wildpinkeln is laid on the weed – 100 euros money is earned, it costs money in the zelts and in the gelände Zahlreiche toilets for the care.

The legal variant: buy the official beer mug of the Wiesnwirte
The legal variant: buy the official beer mug of the Wiesnwirtedpa

Can I pay by card?

Schwierig! Teilweise ist Kartenzahlung möglich – putt Sie sich lieber auf Barzahlung ein and haveen Sie im Vorfeld ausreichend Geld ab. Falls If you visit them, you will find more ATMs at the festival grounds.

In Welches Zeltte ich gehen?

At the end of the evening, the guests in all large Zelten sit on the couch with “Sweet Caroline” or the “Fliegerlied”. While the young party audience believed that it was the Hacker-Festzelt, the Hofbräu was the audience and was international. The Marstall-Zelt was gilded when it was generated in the Löwenbräu by the Fans of TSV 1860. In the Bräurosl-lädt of the Gay Community, the first day of Gay Sunday is a prominent place in the Käfer Wiesn-Schänke. With a bright culinary schwerpunkt presentation of the Ochsenbraterei and the Fischer-Vroni. In the Augustiner Festhalle while the beer has not been taken out of the Holzfass, it is a good idea to believe in the family.

Faith among the party crowd: the Hacker-Festzelt
Faith among the party crowd: the Hacker-Festzeltdpa

Which beer is on the Wiesn?

Specially for the Wiesn brews six Munich breweries – Augustiner, Hacker-Pschorr, Löwen, Paulaner, Spaten and the Staatliche Hofbräu – the Oktoberfest beer. It is the family of the Reinheitsgebot, the water must stem on a Tiefbrunnen, on the Munich city area lies, and the stems must lie with the spirit 13.6. The alcohol content is at the export of products. In every Festzelt es the beer comes from only a brewery. The white beer, the alcohol-free and the cold drink can vary from Zelt to Zelt.

Want to go to the Oktoberfest chicken?

No, the consumption of cannabis is not available. The Bavarian Landtag is in June a word of the folk festivals and in the beer garden beschlossen. In the Zelten it is worth to use Wirte on the Balconies or before the Zelten an eführt are.

Can I do anything else?

A number of clubs and bars call the After-Wiesn-Partys a – zum Beispiel de 089-Bar, de Milchbar, das P1 or der Wiesnclub. Obacht: Wiesngänger sind nicht überall in der Stadt willkommen, in eeninigen Localn gilded een Trachtenverbot. Thus, man will drink grim alkoholisierte Festbesucher.